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Strategic Environmental Research Meeting Opens


July 27, Shenzhen, China--The strategic environmental research meeting hosted by the South University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) is held on Monday morning in Shenzhen. This event marks the official launch of the Schoolof Environmental Science and Engineering at SUSTech.

Ms. Yurong Guo, Chief of Education Bureau, on behalf of Shenzhen City Government, attended the above activity. The research meeting also invited experts and industry leaders from home and abroad, including Professor Congqiang Liu, Associate Director, National Natural Science Foundationof China (NSFC), Professor Bin Yang,Vice President and Provost, Tsinghua University, Beijing, Professor Li Wan, VicePresident, China University of Geosciences-Beijing, Wenchang Tan, Party Secretary and Associate Dean, Shenzhen Graduate School, Peking University, Professor Steve Gorelick, NAE, Stanford University, USA, Professor Michael Hoffmann, NAE, CalTech, USA, Professor Kevin Jones, Fellow of Royal Society, Lancaster University, UK, Dr. Charlie Andrews, Board of Directors, S.S. Papadopulos & Associates,Inc., USA, Mr. Shui Liu, Chairman of the Board, Shenzhen Techand Ecology &Environment Co., Ltd. , etc.

In the meeting,Ms. Han Wei, deputy director of the preparation office, on behalf of Mr. Li Ming, Secretary of the Party Committee of SUSTech and President Shiyi Chen, began by warmly congratulating the official launch of the School of Environmental Science and Engineering. She also pointed out that the launch of the new School at SUSTech is a key strategic move by our university toward its mission of building a world-class institution of higher education and cutting-edge research in Shenzhen. The new school should move fearlessly and strategically by tapping into the global talent pool and the local resources of Shenzhen as China’s epicenter of ingenuity, innovationand entrepreneurship. 

Then, an introduction was given on the development blueprint of the School by the newly appointed dean, Professor Chunmiao Zheng. Professor Cathy Qing Hu, Director of the Engineering Innovation Center, gave an introduction on the construction of the innovative practice platform. In the following Global Perspectives session, Professor Steve Gorelick, NAE,Professor Michael Hoffmann, NAE, Professor Kevin Jones,Fellow of Royal Society, introduced the development process and construction experience of the Stanford University, California Institute of Technology and Lancaster University. Professor Congqiang Liu introduced the role that National Natural Science Foundation of China plays in the field of environmental science. 

During the Environmental Research and Innovation session, experts of world leading environmental science colleges and industry leaders from home and abroad proposed positive suggestions.

After an actively and profound discussion,the participants reached consensus on the opportunities and challenges of the new School’s development. Current environmental problems are major roadblocks to the healthy, stable and sustainable development of China’s society and economy. As the country’s international influence increases, so does its international obligation in environmental protection. The global demand for well-trained environmental scientists, engineers and managers is expected to grow continuously and steadily. In this context, the launch of the new School of Environmental Science and Engineering at SUSTech is a key strategic move by our university toward its mission of building a world-class institution of higher education and cutting-edge research in Shenzhen. Currently Shenzhen,as well as Guangdong Province, urgently needs a high-quality, innovative, andmarket-driven training ground for environmental human resources. The SUSTech School of Environmental Science and Engineering undoubtedly has a duty andresponsibility to play a major role in it, contributing to both economic development and environmental protection of the region and beyond.

In the end of the meeting, Professor Zheng,the Dean, expressed his sincere gratitude for the supports of the friends and colleagues in the audience. " The road ahead is full of toughobstacles, but we shall start over and press on(雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越)," quoted by the dean . He pointed out that the research meeting further defines the strategic aims and developing goals of the School's future development. This lofty goal and great ambition ensure the goal of the new Environment School, which is to make a difference in the world through great efforts.