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New Year's Greetings: A Year to Remember; A Year to Dream


Another new year has arrived, full of new hopes, new possibilities, and new dreams.

What a year it has been! In 2017, our faculty, staff and students accomplished some amazing feats. Our school was granted one of the first two provincial key laboratories at SUSTech; our faculty members received half of the four top teaching and research awards at the university-level; and our students were everywhere, from engaging community in environmental causes to winning big international competitions. We are less than three years old, but we have come a long way.

The new year’s new opportunities come with new challenges. I hope everyone in our school will remember why we have come to SUSTech, that is, to realize our dreams of building a global center of excellence in environmental research while contributing to the eco-civilization of Shenzhen and beyond. Let’s continue doing our very best so that together we can take our school to the next level. SUSTech has been brazing a new trail in higher education and trying to do something that has never been done before. There are undoubtedly many bumps on our road ahead, but we work hard, we stay the course, and we will get where we want to be.

Happy New Year!




Chunmiao Zheng, Dean

SUSTech | School of Environment