Current location:Research / Research Platform

Guangdong Provincial Observation and Research Station for Coastal Atmosphere and Climate of the Greater Bay Area (GORSCAC)


GORSCAC, jointly established by SUSTech and Shenzhen National Climate Observatory, is SUSTech’s first field scientific observation and research station funded by Guangdong Province. In response to the Greater Bay Area's new carbon policies and demands for meteorological damage prevention and mitigation, GORSCAC conducts in-situ observations on aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions, marine and terrestrial air mass interactions, air-sea exchange, greenhouse gases and marine carbon emissions, and marine atmospheric evolution processes. The observations from GORSCAC are expected to boost the monitoring, forecasting, and early warning of strong precipitation in the Greater Bay Area and build local capacity to prevent and control air pollution and mitigate meteorological damages of Guangdong Province.

Research topics of GORSCAC include:

(1) Land-sea air mass interactions and key atmospheric physical processes in coastal areas

(2) Air-sea exchange and key marine atmospheric chemical processes   

(3) Monitoring and remote sensing of greenhouse gases and flux inversions