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Study first finds new way to see the human impact on regional climate change over Megacity, Hong Kong


A new SUSTech-led study, published by Environmental Research Letters, has found significant changes in urban heat island (UHI) duration in developing area of Hong Kong by using environmental Big-data through combining long-term monitoring of meteorological data sets, satellite remote sensing, and inventory data. Study found that duration of UHI is not changing over time at highly developed area such as downtown area of Hong Kong. But, UHI duration has been increased over time at developing areas such as Lau Fau Shan regions.

“This is very important study to assess the human impacts on regional climate change. Urban heat island is a clear evidence of human activity over the city. However, previous all studies only focused on the intensity of urban heat island. For the first time, we define the new matrix to understand the duration change of urban heat island” said by Prof. Sujong Jeong

“Urban heat island duration information can provide us with a reference for urban development planning. A lengthening of UHI duration indicates a longer period of extra warming in an urban area. This longer period of warming would influence both the fundamental and vital elements of the urban ecosystem and human daily life. For example, the energy bureau needs to adapt to new situations, as UHI duration changes in both daily and seasonal levels can lead to increases in electricity consumption.” said by Lead author Chen Xuan (Junior student in SUSTech)

This research is supported by the research grant from Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), Shenzhen, China.