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SUSTech holds 2019 Spring Meeting on Strategic Planning Development


The first weekend of the spring semester saw Southern University of Science and Technology hold its 2019 Meeting Strategic Planning Development (the Meeting). The Meeting aims to explain the next stage of SUSTech’s development strategy. University Council Chairperson Guo Yurong and President Chen Shiyi joined heads of departments and research centers and nearly 400 other faculty members at the Meeting. The weekend long meeting was hosted by Vice Presidents Teng Jinguang and Tang Tao.

Guo Yurong first spoke about working hard, consolidating the foundation, improving educational quality, and building a modern university governance system with Chinese characteristics. She reviewed SUSTech’s 2018 achievements, analyzed the new era faced by SUSTech and pointed out the unprecedented attention being paid to higher education at the 2018 National Education Conference.

The development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Greater Bay Area) has brought unprecedented new opportunities and requirements of Shenzhen's development. The new opportunities for new universities in China are also facing new opportunities and challenges. She hoped that everyone at SUSTech would insist on seizing opportunities and gaining new achievements.

Guo Yurong noted that universities reflect a country's future, so SUSTech must follow the right direction under the governance of leadership. SUSTech should be responsible for making effective decisions and striving to build a high-quality faculty, an academic credit system, and a professional and efficient administrative management system. By working together, SUSTech can ensure smooth cooperation.

Chen Shiyi talked about new directions, advantages, and breakthroughs in conjunction with the building of a world-class university, rooted in China. He reviewed the progress and challenges of the past, then analyzed the upcoming challenges. Chen Shiyi pointed out that 2019 will lead to the most critical stage of SUSTech’s development since its establishment. Consolidating existing achievements should lead to the promotion of improved faculty development, administrative management and internationalized standards across SUSTech.

President Chen Shiyi put forward the 2019 action scheme for SUSTech’s development. He pointed out that SUSTech will implement the development plans set by the Board of Trustees, further accelerate the development of first-class disciplines by optimizing its subject arrangement. SUSTech will actively promote relevant academic departments and disciplines while preparing for constructing the School of Medicine.

His program includes improving its talent pipeline, practically expanding its subject selection and strengthening the development of its faculty team. SUSTech will also accelerate its global vision, optimizing the undergraduate enrollment while cultivating postgraduate students. It will also continue to work on developing campus infrastructure while enhancing campus culture. Everyone on campus is expected to make breakthroughs in a variety of areas throughout 2019.

University Council Vice Chairperson Li Fengliang reported on building a cooperative student work system. He examined the current problems in cultivating talent and the need to establish a new system. In order to better cultivate talented individuals and leaders, the strategic plans would need to see the realization of cooperation within and between departments, improving professional levels and establishing new synergies. Li Fengliang also pointed out that any new work system should be problem-oriented, while comprehensively promoting student work through established institutions.

The cooperative relationship would help to create a collaborative education model for top-notch innovative talents with a global vision, comprehensive quality, and innovative ability while assisting with industry-university-research collaboration.

Vice President Lu Chun addressed the audience about SUSTech’s Campus services. He talked about food, housing, and transportation, before expanding into the 2018 achievements in catering services, property services, power supply systems, and information development. Lu Chun said that in 2019, SUSTech’s general services would strive for continued professionalism, refinement, standardization, and internationalization, further improving SUSTech’s service work.

Vice President Teng Jinguang spoke about building a world-class postgraduate training system. He elaborated on the training orientation and development goals of postgraduate education in institutions of higher education. Teng Jinguang took time to explain in detail the incentive mechanisms, based on key performance indicators (KPIs) for postgraduate training, and proposed specific concepts for the next postgraduate training work as the main challenge.

Chief Financial Officer Ye Qin reported about SUSTech’s capital efficiency and innovation. Through his review of SUSTech’s financial work, Ye Qi evaluated existing problems and challenges, before putting forward measure to ensure the efficient use of funds. He also recommended expanded use of the financial system, while constantly strengthening financial security and improve the level of management services.

Zheng Chunmiao, Vice Provost (Global Strategies) talked about the globalization of SUSTech. He introduced the internationalization, characteristics, and achievements of SUSTech so far, before addressing the challenges ahead. Zheng Chunmiao made several suggestions that addressed those problems.

The 2nd morning saw participants take part in 6 sub-sessions to conduct in-depth research and discussion on several topics. The groups discussed issues like student development, performance appraisal, staff professionalization, international education, campus service and security, and capital efficiency. In the afternoon, the representatives of the six groups reported the results of their discussions to the Meeting.

President Chen Shiyi summarized the meeting and commended the discussions, as they would lay a solid foundation for future work. Guo Yurong described the Meeting as enthusiastic, earnest and fruitful. She added that everyone present reflected the enthusiasm of the SUSTech community, and hoped that the future works of SUSTech would be carried out as planned.

The convening of the Meeting symbolizes the start of a new journey. Everyone at SUSTech should work together towards the goal of building a world-class university, rooted in China.