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School of Environment unveils core facility


The School of Environmental Science and Engineering at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) celebrated the opening of its core facility for environmental analysis last week. Following a dedication ceremony, an open house succeeded in attracting dozens of faculty and students across campus to visit the facility. The online reservation system, the applications of instruments, and how the laboratory would operate on a day-to-day basis were topics of interest.

The Core Facility Management Committee Chair, Professor Yan Zheng of the School of Environment presided over the ceremony that was attended by over 40 people. She shared experience of how to turn an idea of core facility to reality, and the plan for the next steps. the Notable attendees included the Executive Dean of the School of Environment Youkuan Zhang, the Director of the Office of Facilities Baoguo Wang, and Technology Transfer Center Deputy Director Zhang Zuotai.

The core facility seeks to optimize sharing of equipment for cutting edge research to serve the needs in the School of Environment. It is also accessible by faculty and students across SUSTech campus and to researchers in the Greater Guangdong - Hong Kong – Macao Bay area.   The core facility benefited from financial support from a range of external sources and is crucial in supporting the missions of the following:

 National Key Laboratory for Comprehensive Prevention and Control of Surface Water and Groundwater Pollution;

 Guangdong Key Laboratory for Soil and Groundwater Pollution Prevention and Remediation;

 Shenzhen Key Laboratory for Soil and Groundwater Pollution Control;

 Shenzhen Key Laboratory for Solid Waste Recycling Technology and Management; and

 Shenzhen Engineering Laboratory for Environmental Internet of Things.

Source: School of Environmental Science and Engineering