Basic Introduction:
Yan Liu is an assistant professor (associate researcher, doctoral supervisor, independent PI) at the School of Environment, Southern University of Science and Technology. He received his bachelor's degree and doctor's degree from Tsinghua University, and did postdoctoral research at Texas Tech University and University College London. His research interests are environmental hydrodynamics, with an emphasis on turbulent structures, sediment transport and benthic interactions in natural waters. He has published more than 10 papers on top journals, such as Water Resources Research and Journal of Fluid Mechanics, in many research fields. He serves as reviewers of Physics of Fluids, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, International Journal of Sediment Research and so on.
Professional Experience:
2022.09 – Present, Assistant Professor, School of Environment, Southern University of Science and Technology.
2020.05 - 2022.08, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering, University College London.
2018.01 - 2020.01 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Civil, Environmental, and Construction Engineering, Texas Tech University.
2017.07 Ph. D. in Hydraulic Engineering (Modeling Sediment Transport)
Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University
2012.07 B.S. in Hydraulic Engineering
Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University
Awards and Honors:
1. 2014 China Scholarship Council (CSC) Scholarship
2. 2012 Tsinghua excellent Ph. D. Candidate Scholarship
3. 2012 Excellent Graduate of Tsinghua University
4. 2012 Excellent Graduate of Universities in Beijing
Selected funded projects:
1. sklhse-2020-B07; State Key Laboratory of Hydro Science and Engineer, Tsinghua University; “Coherent structures near biofilm coated sediment beds”; CNY100,000; 2020.10 – 2022. 04; PI.
2. EP/S016376/1; Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, United Kingdom; “Distributed Fibre-optic Cable Sensing for Buried Pipe Infrastructure”; GBP 371,330; 2019.11-2022-10; Principal Researcher.
3. EP/V026895/1; Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, United Kingdom; “COVID-19: Reducing the Risk of Transmission on London's transport vehicles”; GBP 535,584; 2020.07-2022-03; Co-Researcher.
Published Works:
1. Liu, Y.*, Stoesser, T., & Fang, H. (2022). Effect of secondary currents on the flow and turbulence in partially filled pipes. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 938, A16.
2. Liu, Y., Reible, D., & Hussain, F., (2022). Roles of tidal cycling, hyporheic exchange and bioirrigation on metal release from estuary sediments. Water Resources Research, e2021WR030790.
3. Liu, Y.*, Stoesser, T., & Fang, H., (2022). Impact of turbulence and secondary flow on the water surface in partially-filled pipes. Physics of Fluids, 34, 035123.
4. Adzic, F., Stoesser, T., Liu, Y., & Xie, Z., (2022). LES of supercritical free-surface flow in an open-channel contraction. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 60(4): 628-644.
5. Zhao, C., Fang, H., Liu, Y., Dey, S. & He, G., (2020). Impact of particle shape on saltating mode of bedload transport sheared by turbulent flow. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 146(5), p.04020034.
6. Liu, Y., Reible, D., Hussain, F. & Fang, H. (2019). Role of bioroughness, bioirrigation and turbulence on oxygen dynamics at the Sediment-Water Interface. Water Resources Research, 55(10), 8061-8075.
7. Liu, Y., Fang, H., Huang, L., & He, G. (2019). Numerical simulation of the production of three-dimensional sediment dunes. Physics of Fluids, 31(9), 096603.
8. Liu, Y., Stoesser, T., Fang, H., Papanicolaou, A., & Tsakiris, A. G. (2017). Turbulent flow over an array of boulders placed on a rough, permeable bed. Computers & Fluids, 158, 120-132.
9. Fang, H., Liu, Y.*, & Stoesser, T. (2017). Influence of boulder concentration on turbulence and sediment transport in open‐channel flow over submerged boulders. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 122(12), 2392-2410.
10. Liu, Y., Dun, H., Fang, H., &Stoesser, T. (2016). Turbulent flow over a pool-riffle sequence. In River Flow 2016 (pp. 266-271). CRC Press.