Current location:Education / Graduate Education / Supervisors / Supervisor for PhD > LEI Yang

LEI Yang

Assistant Professor

Basic Introduction:
Yang Lei (1989) was a Marine Sklodowska-Curie Fellow. He obtained PhD with Prof Cees Buisman from Wageningen University in 2019 on “electrochemical phosphorus removal and recovery”. Afterward, he worked on electrochemical P recovery at a large-scale in Wetsus as a post-doctoral researcher. In this period, he received the NWO Take-off Grant. In 2021, he joined SUSTech as an assistant professor. Currently, he is leading the Environmental Electrochemistry Laboratory at SUSTech. The mission of his lab is to initiate innovation in addressing the water-food-energy nexus challenge. His team works on energy-efficient wastewater treatment and resource recovery.

Personal website:

Professional Experience:
2021.02-present, Assistant Professor, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), China
2019.12-2020.12, Post-doctoral researcher, Wetsus & Wageningen University, The Netherlands
2016.3-2019.12, PhD researcher, Wetsus, The Netherlands

2016-2019, PhD, Department of Environmental Technology, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
2012-2015, Master, Department of Environment Engineering, Wuhan University, China
2014, Visiting student, Department of Chemical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University
2008-2012, Bachelor, Department of Environment Engineering, Hunan University of Science and Technology, China

Synergistic Activities :
Regular reviewers of scientific journals, including Environmental Science & Technology, Water Research, Chemical Engineering Journal, Science of the Total Environment, Chemosphere.

Awards and Honors:
Marine Sklodowska-Curie Fellow
Natural Science Award of Hubei Province, China (The Third-Class Award)
Marcel Mulder Prize (The highest honor for Wetsus researcher)
Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad
Outstanding Master Thesis of Hubei Province, China
Graduate Student Academic Innovation Award
Outstanding Postgraduate of Wuhan University
Postgraduate Pacesetter of Wuhan University

Selected funded projects:
ECAP: Electrochemical phosphorus removal and recovery from waste streams. NWO Take-off Grant, 40.000 euro, 2020, NWO