Assistant Professor
Basic Introduction:
Dr. Liang received his Ph.D. degree in hydrology and water resource from Nanjing University on 2012. Dr. Liang joined the School of Environmental Science & Engineering at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) in February 2018. Before he joined SUSTech, he was an Associate Researcher at Nanjing University. His research is focused on the temporal scaling of groundwater flow and solute transport. coupling unsaturated-saturated flow, as well as the interaction between the surface-groundwater flow. He has published more than 20 academic papers. Most of the papers have been published on top-tier SCI journals including Water Resources Research, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Journal of Hydrology, and Advance in Water Resources. He also served as a journal reviewer for almost 10 SCI journals.
Nanjing University, China Ph.D. in Hydrology and Water Resource 2009.9-2012.6
Anhui University of Science and Technology, China M.S. in Geological Engineering 2005.9-2008.6
Anhui University of Science and Technology, China B.S. in Resources and Environment and Urban and Rural Planning 2001.9-2005.6
Professional and Academic Positions:
2020.12-present Assistant Professor School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology
2018.2-2020.12 Research Associate Professor School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology
2015.7-2018.1 Associate Researcher Center for Hydrosciences Research, Nanjing University
2012.7-2015.6 Assistant Researcher Center for Hydrosciences Research, Nanjing University
2016.11-2017.11 Visiting Scholar Department of Geology & Geophysics, Texas A&M University
2013.8-2014.8 Postdoc Researcher Department of Geoscience, University of Iowa
Honors and Awards:
·2018, Outstanding Reviewer of Journal of Hydrology
·2016, Outstanding Reviewer of Journal of Hydrology
·2011, Guanghua Scholarship, Nanjing University.
·2011, The Excellent Postgraduates, Nanjing University.
Research projects:
[1] The National Nature Science Foundation of China (NSFC-41302180), “Study for temporal scaling of flow in unsaturated-saturated system using stochastic methods”, 2014.1-2016.12, PI.
[2] The Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (BK20130571), “The investigation on temporal scaling of groundwater levels and soil moistures”, 2013.7-2016.7, PI.
[3] The National Key project ‘‘Water Pollution Control’’ of China (2015ZX07204-007), “Water quality target management and river pollution control plan of Bali river, Anhui”, Task-1, 2015.6-2018.12, CO-PI.
[4] The National Nature Science Foundation of China (NSFC-41330314), “Formation and distribution of groundwater in fractured rocks in southwest china”, 2014.1-2018.12, Participant. (Responsibilities include Field trip and numerical simulation)
[5] The National Nature Science Foundation of China (NSFC-41272260), “A study of temporal scaling of groundwater level, recharge, and discharge”, 2013.1-2016.12, Participant. (Responsibilities include stochastic analysis and numerical simulation)
[6] The Social Development-Science & Technology Demonstration Projects of Jiangsu Province (BE2015708), “Science and technology demonstration projects of farmland pollution control in Jiangsu Province”, 2015.7-2018.6. Participant. (Responsibilities include Field trip and numerical simulation)
• Flow and transport in heterogeneous geological media.
• Temporal variations and scaling of hydrological variables.
• Coupling unsaturated-saturated flow.
• Interaction of the surface-groundwater flow.
(1)Journal papers
(* corresponding authorship)
[1]. Liang, X.Y., H.B. Zhan*, and Y.K Zhang*, 2018, Aquifer Recharge Using a Vadose Zone Infiltration Well, Water Resources Research, 54, 8847–8863. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018WR023409.
[2]. Liang, X.Y., H.B. Zhan*, and K. Schilling, 2018, Spatiotemporal Responses of Groundwater Flow and Aquifer-River Exchanges to Flood Events, Water Resources Research, 54(3), 1513-1532.
[3]. Liang, X.Y., H.B. Zhan*, J. Liu, G.M. Dong, Y.K. Zhang, 2018, A simple method of transport parameter estimation for slug injecting tracer tests in porous media, Science of The Total Environment, 644, 1536-1546. DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.06.330.
[4]. Liang, X.Y*., H.B. Zhan*, Y.K. Zhang, J. Liu, 2018, Underdamped slug tests with unsaturated-saturated flows by considering effects of wellbore skins, Hydrological Processes, 32(7), 968-980.
[5]. Lu H.F., X.Y. Liang*, N. Shan, Y.K. Zhang, 2018, Study on the Stability of the Coal Seam Floor above a Confined Aquifer Using the Structural System Reliability Method, Geofluids, https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/9580271.
[6]. Liang, X.Y*., H.B. Zhan*, Y.K. Zhang, K. Schilling, 2017. Baseflow recession from Unsaturated-Saturated porous media considering lateral unsaturated discharge and aquifer compressibility, Water Resources Research, 53. DOI: 10.1002/2017WR020938.
[7]. Liang, X.Y*., H.B. Zhan*, Y.K. Zhang, J. Liu, 2017. On the coupled unsaturated-saturated flow process induced by vertical, horizontal, and slant wells in unconfined aquifers. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 21(2): 1251-1262. DOI:10.5194/hess-21-1251-2017.
[8]. Yang, C., Y.-K. Zhang, X.Y. Liang*, 2017. Analysis of temporal variation and scaling of hydrological variables based on a numerical model of the Sagehen Creek watershed. Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess, 1-12. DOI:10.1007/s00477-017-1421-0.
[9]. Zhao, Y., Y.-K. Zhang*, and X.Y. Liang* 2017. Three-Dimensional Hydromechanical Modeling during Shearing by Nonuniform Crust Movement, Geofluids, Article ID 9605313, 14 pages, 2017. doi:10.1155/2017/9605313
[10]. Zhao, Y.Q., Y.-K. Zhang, X.Y. Liang*, 2016. Analytical solutions of three-dimensional groundwater flow to a well in a leaky sloping fault-zone aquifer, Journal of Hydrology, 539:204–213.
[11]. Liang, X.Y., Keith. Schilling, Y.-K. Zhang*, J. Christopher, 2016. Co-Kriging estimation of nitrate-nitrogen loads in an agricultural river, Water Resources Management, 30(5): 1771-1784.
[12]. Yang, C., Y.-K. Zhang, X.Y. Liang*, 2016. Effects of temporally correlated infiltration on water flow in an unsaturated-saturated system. Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess, 30(7): 2009-2017. DOI:10.1007/s00477-015-1119-0
[13]. Liang, X.Y., Y.-K. Zhang*, Keith. Schilling, 2016. Effect of heterogeneity on spatiotemporal variations of groundwater level in a bounded unconfined aquifer. Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess, 30(1): 1-8. DOI: 10.1007/s00477-014-0990-4.
[14]. Liang, X.Y., Y.-K. Zhang*, 2015. Analyses of uncertainties and scaling of groundwater level fluctuations. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 01/2015; 12(1):1-23.
[15]. Liang, X.Y., Y.-K. Zhang*, Keith. Schilling, 2015. Analytical solutions for two-dimensional groundwater flow with subsurface drainage tiles. Journal of Hydrology, 521(0): 556-564.
[16]. Liang, X.Y., Y.-K. Zhang*, 2013. Temporal and spatial variation and scaling of groundwater levels in a bounded unconfined aquifer. Journal of Hydrology, 479: 139-145.
[17]. Liang, X.Y., Y.-K. Zhang*, 2013. Groundwater flow with a variable source in a heterogeneous aquifer bounded by fluctuating river stages. Advance in Water Resources, 58:1-9.
[18]. Liang, X.Y., Y.-K. Zhang*, 2012. A new analytical method for groundwater recharge and discharge estimation. Journal of Hydrology, 450: 17-24.
[19]. Liang, X.Y., Y.-K. Zhang*, 2012. Analytical Solution for Drainage and Recession from an Unconfined Aquifer. Groundwater, 50(5): 793-798.
[20]. Schilling, K.E., C.S. Jones, R.J. Clark, R.D. Libra, X.Y. Liang, Y.-K. Zhang, 2019. Contrasting NO3-N concentration patterns at two karst springs in Iowa (USA): insights on aquifer nitrogen storage and delivery. Hydrogeology Journal, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10040-019-01935-y (in press).
[21]. Liu, J., X.K. Zeng, J.C. Wu, X.Y. Liang, Y.Y. Sun, H.B. Zhan, 2018. Assessing titanium dioxide nanoparticles transport models by Bayesian uncertainty analysis. Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess, 32(12), 3365-3379.
[22]. Schilling, K. E., C. S. Jones, C. F. Wolter, X.Y. Liang, Y. K. Zhang, A. Seeman, T. Isenhart, D. Schnoebelen, and M. Skopec, 2017. Variability of nitrate-nitrogen load estimation results will make quantifying load reduction strategies difficult in Iowa, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 72(4), 317-325.
[23]. Wang, Y., Y. Zhang, X. Liang*, X. Xie, 2017. Estimation and dynamic analysis of water environmental capacity in the Shaying River Basin in Anhui province. Yellow River, (in press). (In Chinese)
[24]. Yang, C., Y. Zhang, and X. Liang*, 2015. The temporospatial variations of water flow in an unsaturated-saturated system under infiltrations of fractional Gaussian noise and fractional Brownian motion, Journal of Nanjing University. Natural Sciences, 51, 1279-1290. (In Chinese)
[25]. Yang, C., Y. Zhang, X. Liang*, 2015. Effect of heterogeneity on temporospatial variations of water flow in an unsaturated-saturated system. Geological Journal of China Universities, 21(3): 559-568. (In Chinese)
[26]. Zheng, Y., Y. Zhang, X. Liang, 2015. A study of groundwater flow and water quality characteristics in the riparian zone of Jialu River near Zhongmu. Geological Journal of China Universities, 21(2): 234-242. (In Chinese)
[27]. Chen, L., Y. Zhang, X. Liang, W. Yuan, T. Pan, 2013. Application of a soil-aquifer lateral seepage system to purifying polluted river water: a demonstrated project at the Suoxu river near Zhengzhou. Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology,40(4): 93-98. (In Chinese)
[28]. Lu, H., D. Yao, X. Liang, L. Guo, D. Shen, 2013. Analytical solution of stress in a transversely isotropic floor rock mass under mining. Chinese Journal of Underground Space and Engineering, 9(5): 1050-1056. (In Chinese)
(2)Selected conference presentations:
[1] Liang, X.Y., H.B. Zhan, Y.-K. Zhang, Keith. Schilling, 2018. Dynamic of groundwater flow and aquifer-river exchanges induced by flood events, AGU Fall meeting, Washington D.C., December 10-14.
[2] Liang, X.Y., H.B. Zhan, Y.-K. Zhang, 2017. Effects of Unsaturated Zones on Baseflow Recession: Analytical Solution and Application, AGU Fall meeting, New Orleans, December 11-15.
[3] Zhan, H.B., X.Y., Liang, 2017. Baseflow Recession from Unsaturated-Saturated Flow, GSA Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington, October 25.
[4] Liang, X.Y., Keith. Schilling, Y.-K. Zhang, J. Christopher, 2016. Estimation of nitrate-nitrogen loads in an Iowa river using kriging and rating curve methodologies, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, December 12-16.
[5] Yang, C., Y.-K. Zhang, X.Y. Liang, J.D. Liu, 2016. Temporal variation and scaling of hydrological variables in a typical watershed, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, December 12-16.
[6] Liang, X.Y. and Y.-K. Zhang, 2015. The uncertainties and temporal scaling of groundwater level fluctuations in a bounded aquifer, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, December 14-18.
[7] Zhao, Y.Q., X.Y. Liang, Y.-K. Zhang, 2015. Hydromechanical modeling of tectonically driven groundwater flow, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, December 14-18.
[8] Yang, C., Y.-K. Zhang, X.Y. Liang, 2014. Damping effect of an unsaturated-saturated system on tempospatial variations of pressure head and specific flux, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, December 15-19.
[9] Liang, X.Y. and Y.-K. Zhang, 2013. Temporal and spatial variation and scaling of groundwater levels in a bounded unconfined aquifer, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, December 9-13.
[10] Zhang, Y.-K., C. Yang, X.Y. Liang, 2015. Temporal variation and scaling of hydrological variables in a typical watershed, International Groundwater Forum, Xi’an, July 6-7.
[11] Liang, X.Y. and Y.-K. Zhang, 2012. Temporal variation of hydrogeological variables and its implication, International Groundwater Forum, Baoding, July 6-7.
[12] Zhang, Y.-K., and X.Y. Liang, 2011. A new analytic method for recharge and discharge estimation using observed groundwater levels, International Groundwater Forum, Wuhan, July 14-15, 2011.