Current location:Education / Graduate Education / Supervisors / Supervisor for PhD > YE Bin

YE Bin

Assistant Professor

Basic Introduction:

Dr. Ye Bin received his Ph.D. in Management from Harbin Institute of Technology in 2013. From 2014 to 2017, he was postdoctoral fellow at Tsinghua University and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. He is mainly engaged in environmental planning and energy economics research, and is good at combining environmental science methods with economic management scientific methods to study global and regional climate, energy and economic development issues. He presided over dozens of reasearch projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation, China Postdoctoral International Exchange Fund and regular Fund, Guangdong Natural Science Fund and several other competitive scientific research funds granted by Shenzhen goverment. At present, more than 50 papers have been published, of which more than 30 are indexed by SCI or SSCI. Dr. Ye are first or correspondent authors on 22 SCI/SSCI papers. As the first author or correspondent, he published 1 paper on Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review ( IF 9.184), 3 papers on Applied Energy (IF 7.9); His two papers were selected as ESI High cited papers. He has served as a reviewer for more than ten JCR Q1 or Q2 journals for a long time and received the Applied Energy 2016 Best Reviewer Award. In May 2018, he became the JCR Q1 journal Environmenatl Geochemistry and Health (IF 2.997) Guest Editor.

Employment History:

2021—present, Assisstant Professor, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology

2018—2021, Visting Assisstant Professor, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology

2016—2017, Visting postdoctoral fellow

2014—2015, Postdoctoral fellow

Education Background:

2009—2013 Dorctor of Management Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, China.

2006—2008  Master of Municipal Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, China

2002—2006  Bachelor of Water Supply and Drainage Engineering, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, China

Academic Awards:

2017 2016 Best Reviewer Awards (Applied Energy IF 7.9)
2013 PhD National Scholarship
2008 Outstanding Postgraduate Student (Harbin Institute of Technology)
2006 Outstanding Graduate Student (Wuhan University of Science and Technology)

Major project involvements:

1. Project leader, Research on the enterprise carbon cost control strategy: taking coal fired power plants as an example, (2019/1-2021/12), Sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China.
2. Project leader, Research on Carbon Cost Management Strategy in the Condition of Mandatory Carbon Emission Restriction: Taking Power Enterprises for Example (2015/1-2017/12), Sponsored by Natural Science Foundation Doctor Startup Fund of Guangdong Province, China.
3. Project leader, Research on Carbon Cost Management Strategy for Power Enterprises in the Condition of Mandatory Carbon Emission Restriction (2015/09-2016/05), Sponsored by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation funded project.
4. Project leader, Research on the Possibility and Mechanism of Carbon Market Linkage between China and the USA (2015/12-2017/12), Sponsored by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation funded project.
5. Project leader, Shenzhen’s Carbon Emission Trading Market Construction Project- Research on Carbon Emission Allowance Allocation Mechanism Design (2012/02-2013/12), Sponsored by Shenzhen Development and Reform Commission.
6. Project leader, Shenzhen’s Carbon Emission Trading Market Construction Project- Research on Carbon Pricing Mechanism (2011/05-2011/12), Sponsored by Shenzhen Development and Reform Commission.
7. Participant, Study on Uncertainty and Multi-objective Optimization of Carbon Emission Quota Allocation in Chinese Provinces, 71603110, (2017/01-2019/12), Sponsored by Natural Science Foundation of China.
8. Participant, Storage Location Assignment and Job Scheduling in Multi-shuttle Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems, (2015/07-2017/6), Sponsored by Shenzhen Technology Innovation Department.