Current location:Education / Graduate Education / Supervisors / Supervisor for PhD > ZHU Lei


Assistant Professor


Basic Introduction:

Lei Zhu worked as a Research Scholar at Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics before joining SUSTech. His research area is atmospheric chemistry with interests including remote sensing of trace gases, data assimilation, air quality, and atmosphere-land-ocean interactions. Lei has published more than 20 journal papers, with the total citation of > 1000 and the h-index of 16. He is a science team member of several satellites such as OMI, OMPS, TEMPO, and GEMS. Lei was awarded William T. Pecora Team Award (NASA and DOI, 2018), NASA Group Achievement Award (2015), and Harvard University Certificate of Distinction in Teaching (2013).

Ground website:


2016, Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Harvard University

2011, M.S. in Environmental Science, Peking University

2008, B.S. in Environmental Science, Nankai University

Professional Experience:

2019.12–Present, Assistant Professor, Southern University of Science and Technology

2019.08–2019.12, Research Scholar, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

2017.01–2019.07, Postdoc, Harvard University

Awards & Honors:

Academic Recognition

2019, Recognized reviewer for Atmospheric Pollution Research

2018, NASA/DOI William T. Pecora Team Award for OMI

2017, Outstanding reviewer for Atmospheric Environment

2015, NASA Group Achievement Award for SEAC4RS

2008, Graduate with honors, Nankai University


2013, Harvard University Certificate of Distinction in Teaching


2019, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Visiting Scientist Fellowship

2014-2016, Harvard Graduate Consortium on Energy and Environment Fellowship

2008-2010, Graduate Scholarship, Peking University