田勇,1983年3月出生。2005年本科毕业于武汉大学,2007年和2012年先后于华中科技大学获得硕士和博士学位,2013年进入北京大学工学院从事博士后研究,2015年7月入职南方科技大学环境科学与工程学院。田勇博士研究兴趣包括地表水-地下水耦合模拟、三维水动力数值计算、流域水资源综合管理、环境信息科学、GIS/RS与水环境科学的交叉应用等,拥有多年的水环境专业软件开发经验,在流域水资源管理决策支持系统、三维科学可视化、数值建模等领域积累了丰富的软件开发成果。研究成果已发表在Water Resources Research, Environmental Modelling & Software等水资源领域和环境建模领域的顶尖期刊,并在AGU、EGU等重要国际学术会议上展示研究成果。
2015/07- 至今: 南方科技大学环境科学与工程学院,研究副教授
[1] Tian, Y., Zheng, Y., Zheng, C., Xiao, H., Fang, J., Zou, S., Wu, B., Yao, Y., Zhang, A., Liu, J. Exploring scale-dependent ecohydrological responses in a large endorheic river basin through integrated surface water-groundwater modeling. Water Resources Research, 2015, 51(6), 4065–4085.
[2] Tian Y., Y. Zheng, B. Wu, X. Wu, J. Liu, C. Zheng. Modeling surface water-groundwater interaction in arid and semi-arid regions with intensive agriculture. Environmental Modelling & Software, 2015, 63(0): 170-184.
[3] Wu B., Y. Zheng, X. Wu, Tian Y., F. Han, J. Liu, C. Zheng. Optimizing water resources management in large river basins with integrated surface water-groundwater modeling: A surrogate-based approach. Water Resources Research, 2015, doi:10.1002/2014 WR016653.
[4] Luo X., Y. Zheng, Z. Lin, B. Wu, F. Han, Y. Tian, W. Zhang, and X. Wang. Evaluating potential non-point source loading of PAHs from contaminated soils: A fugacity-based modeling approach, Environmental Pollution, 2015, 196(0), 1-11.
[5] Yao Y., C. Zheng, Y. Tian, J. Liu, Y. Zheng. Numerical modeling of regional groundwater flow in the Heihe River Basin, China: Advances and new insights. Science China Earth Sciences, 2015, 58(1): 3-15.
[6] Wu X., Y. Zheng, B. Wu, Y. Tian, F. Han, C. Zheng. Optimizing conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater for irrigation to address humannature water conflicts: a surrogate modeling approach. Agricultural Water Management, 2015, accepted.
[7] Tian Y., Y. Zheng, C. Zheng. Development of a 3D visualization tool for integrated surface water and groundwater modeling. Computers & Geosciences, 2015, revised.
[8] Wu B., Y. Zheng, Tian Y., F. Han, C. Zheng. A surrogate modeling approach to assessing the value of information for integrated hydrological modeling. Water Resources Research, 2015, under review.
[9] Wu B., Y. Zheng, Y. Tian, X. Wu, Y. Yao, F. Han, J. Liu, C. Zheng. Systematic assessment of the uncertainty in integrated surface water-groundwater modeling based on the probabilistic collocation method. Water Resources Research, 2014, doi:10.10 02/2014WR015366.
[10] Huang M., Y. Tian*. A novel visual modeling system for time series forecasting: application to the domain of hydrology. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 2013, 15(1): 21-37.
[11] Tian Y., M. Huang. Enhance discovery and retrieval of geospatial data using SOA and Semantic Web technologies. Expert systems with applications, 2012, 39(16): 12522–12535.
[12] Huang M., D.R. Maidment, Y. Tian. Using SOA and RIAs for water data discovery and retrieval. Environmental Modelling & Software, 2011, 26(11): 1309-1324.
[13] 姚莹莹, 刘杰, 张爱静, 李希, 田勇,郑春苗. 黑河流域河道径流和人类活动对地下水动态的影响. 第四纪研究, 2014, 34(5): 973-981.
[14] 黄牧涛, 田勇. 湖泊三维流场数值模拟及其在东湖的应用. 水动力学研究与进展A辑, 2014, 01: 114-124.
[15] 黄牧涛, 田勇. 组合智能决策支持系统研究及其应用. 系统工程理论与实践, 2007, 27(4): 114-119.
[1] Tian Y., Y. Zheng, C. Zheng, B. Wu, X. Wu. Integrated surface water-groundwater modeling for interpreting ecohydrological processes in large arid and semi-arid river basins. EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria, April 12-17, 2015.
[2] Tian Y. An integrated modeling approach to understanding the complex water cycle in large inland basins. CUAHSI 2014 Biennial Colloquium, Shepherdstown, WV, USA, July 28-30, 2014.
[3] Tian Y., B. Wu, Y. Zheng. Modeling the Surface Water-Groundwater Interaction in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions Impacted by Agricultural Activities. 2013 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, December 10-15, 2013.
[4] Zheng C., A. Zhang, Y. Tian, Y. Zheng, J. Liu. Modeling the Hydrological Response to Climate Change in an Arid Inland River Basin. 2014 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, December 15-19, 2014.
[5] Huang, M., Y. Tian. Semantic Web Technologies Based Geospatial Services Discovery and Data Retrieval. Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Informatics, Cybernetics, and Computer Engineering, Melbourne, Australia, November 19-20, 2011, pp. 35-43.
[6] Huang M., Y. Tian. RIAs and OGC Web Services Based Geospatial Data Searching and Visualization. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Information Engineering and Computer Science (ICIECS), Wuhan, China, December 25-26, 2010, pp. 1-4.
[7] Huang M., Y. Tian. Hydrologic data exploration and river flow forecasting using self-organizing map and support vector regression. Proceedings Fourth International Workshop on Advanced Computational Intelligence (IWACI), Wuhan, China, October 19-21, 2011, pp. 343-348.
[1] Zheng Y., F. Han, Y. Tian, B. Wu, and Z. Lin. Chapter 5 - Addressing the Uncertainty in Modeling Watershed Nonpoint Source Pollution, in Developments in Environmental Modelling, edited by N.-B. C. Sven Erik Jørgensen and X. Fu-Liu, 2015, pp. 113-159, Elsevier.
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