Current location:Education / Graduate Education / Supervisors / Supervisor for PhD > QIU Wenhui

QIU Wenhui

Associate Professor


Basic Introduction:

Wenhui Qiu, Ph.D. graduated from Shanghai University, joined Southern University of Science and Technology in 2017, and awarded the National Natural Science Foundation of China Outstanding Youth Fund, and is currently an associate professor (researcher, doctoral supervisor) in the School of Environmental Science and Engineering, also is the deputy director of the Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Control. She has published more than 80 SCI indexed research papers, including more than 50 SCI papers that she be the first author/corresponding author. As of May 2024, the total citations (Google citations) is 3939, with a H-index of 34, and 5 ESI highly cited papers. In the past of five years, she has presided over more than 10 projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC) Outstanding Youth Fund, NSFC Youth Projects, and various provincial and municipal-level scientific research projects, with a cumulative amount of 10.65 million RMB. She has won the first prize of Guangdong Environmental Protection Science and Technology Award (ranked first), the gold prize of Ecological Environment Youth Science and Technology Award of Guangdong Environmental Science Society (ranked first), and the second prize of Environmental Protection Science and Technology Award (ranked third). A total of 17 patents have been authorized, including 5 invention patents. She is currently a member of the Immunotoxicology Committee of the Chinese Society of Toxicology, an associate editor of Environmental Geochemistry and Health, an associate editor of International Immunopharmacology, an editorial board member of Science of the Total Environment, an editorial board member of Frontier in water, and a guest editor of the Journal of Earth Environment. She has been a reviewer for many mainstream SCI journals such as PNAS, EHP and ES&T for long-term. She has served as the convener of the 7th, 8th and 9th National Ecotoxicology Congresses, and gave more than 20 keynote presentations at domestic and international academic conferences such as the AGU Conference, the National Conference on Environmental Chemistry, the National University of Ecotoxicology, and the Chinese Society of Environmental Toxicology, and has won excellent speaker once.


Ph.D           Shanghai University (Supervisor, Prof. Minghong WU)            06/2016

M.S.           Shanghai University (Supervisor, Prof. Minghong WU)            06/2013

B.S.            Nanchang Hangkong University                              06/2010

Visiting student  David Geffen Medical School, University of California, Los Angeles.

Supervisor, Nancy L. Wayne.                                2014-2015    

Professional Experience:

01/2024-Present    Associate Professor, Southern University of Science and Technology, SUSTech

07/2021-12/2023    Assistant Professor, Southern University of Science and Technology, SUSTech

02/2018-06/2021   Research Assistant Professor, Southern University of Science and   Technology, SUSTech

08/2019 -09/2018  Visiting scholar, Department of Environment Science. University of California, Riverside. Supervisor, Daniel Schlenk.

Synergistic Activities:

1. Deputy Director,Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Control, School of Environmental Science and Engineering. 2022-present.

2. Deputy Director,Guangdong-Hong Kong Joint Laboratory of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Control, School of Environmental Science and Engineering. 2023-present.

3. Associate Editor, Environmental Geochemistry and Health (EGAH, a Springer journal, IF 4.8), 2021-present.

4. Associate Editor, International Immunopharmacology (an Elsevier journal, a Springer journal, IF 5.6), 2023-present.

5. Editorial Board, Frontier in water, 2020-present.

6. Editorial Board, Science of the Total Environment (an Elsevier journal, IF 9.8), 2020-present.

7. Guest editor, Journal of Earth Environment, 2021-present.

8. Editorial Board Member, Sustainable Horizons, 2022-present.

9. Member, Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences (CSES), 2019-present.

10. Member, American Chemical Society (ACS), 2019-present.

11. Member, The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), 2019-present.

12. Vice Chairman Member, The 3rd Toxicology Evaluation Professional Committee of Shenzhen Preventive Medicine Association, 2024-present.  

13. Member, The 4th Editorial Board of Acta Ecotoxicology Sinica,2024-present. 

Honors and Awards:

1. Gold Award of Ecological Environment Youth Science and Technology of Guangdong Environmental Science Society, 2023.

2. Excellence in Review award of the journal Environmental Science & Technology, 2022.

3. Outstanding Speaker, The 8th Academic Symposium of the Environmental and Ecotoxicology Committee of the Chinese Society of Toxicology, 2022.

4. Outstanding Speaker of the Colloquium,Special topic on "Environmental Exposure, Ecotoxicity and Risk Management of Pharmaceutical Chemicals", 2021.

5. Second Prize of Environmental Protection Science and Technology Award (3/9), 2020.

6. Second Prize of Guangdong Provincial Environmental Protection Science and Technology Award (3/7), 2019.

7. Highly Cited & Key Research in Environmental Science and Technology 2018 (Toxic Effects of Bisphenol S Showing Immunomodulation in Fish Macrophages).

8. Shenzhen overseas high-level talents, 2017.