Current location:Education / Graduate Education / Supervisors / Supervisor for PhD > WANG Zhongying

WANG Zhongying

Associate Professor


Basic Introduction:

Dr. Zhongying Wang received Bachelor's degree from Tsinghua University, and Master's degree and PhD from Brown University. Before joining in SUSTech, Dr. Wang worked as Postdoctoral Fellow in Civil & Environmental Engineering at UC, Berkeley. His research interests include environmental transformation and implications of nanomaterials, the applications of nanomaterials in the environmental fields, and membrane-based technologies for sustainable water supply. Dr. Wang has published 23 peer-reviewed papers on various journals, including Chemical Society Reviews, PNAS, ACS Nano, Advanced Materials, Nano Letters, Nanoscale, and Environmental science and technology. He serves as a reviewer for several journals, including Carbon, Water Research, Environmental Science: Nano, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Environmental Science and Technology.

Group website:

Education background:

2010-2015, Ph.D., Chemistry, Brown University
2012-2015, M.S., Engineering, Brown University
2006-2010, B.S., Chemistry, Tsinghua University

Working Experience:

2019.07-present, Associate Professor, School of Environmental Science & Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology
2016-2019, Post-doctoral researcher, Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of California Berkeley
2015-2016, Post-doctoral researcher, School of Engineering, Brown University
2010-2015, Research assistant, School of Engineering, Brown University

Awards and Honors:

2017 Poster Award. 11th International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes
2013 Outstanding Paper Award. ASME 2013 2nd Global Congress on NanoEngineering for Medicine and Biology.
2009 The First-Class Scholarship of Tsinghua
2008 Tsinghua-SAMSUNG Scholarship