Current location:Education / Graduate Education / Supervisors / Supervisor for PhD > TANG Yuanyuan

TANG Yuanyuan

Associate Professor


Basic Introduction:

Dr. Yuanyuan Tang is an Assistant Professor in Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech). She has got her PhD degree from The University of Hong Kong (HKU) in 2012, and worked in HKU as a Postdoctoral Fellow until August 2014. She received her Master’s degree (2007) from Peking University and Bachelor’s degree (2004) degrees from Ocean University of China. At SUSTech, Dr. Tang has successfully established the “Environmental Materials” research group, leading postgraduate students and postdocs from different training background in interdisciplinary environmental research, with research interests focusing on the transformation and stabilization mechanisms of heavy metals, interfacial interactions of microplastics and other pollutants, "waste-to-resource" options for biowastes, and the development of ceramic membrane from municipal solid waste. She has also obtained funding for over 14 research projects, including NSFC, etc. Dr. Tang has published over 40 SCI journal articles, including on high-impact environmental journals, such as Environmental Science and Technology, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Water Research etc. She has published 3 book chapters in the field of solid waste management and metal stabilization. She has also presented more than 40 conference papers and applied over 10 patents. Dr. Tang organized “Guangdong-HK Environmental Materials Workshop in 2015”, and has been invited as keynote speaker and session chair by several international conference committees. She also got numerous awards including “Overseas High-Caliber Personnel, Shenzhen” and “The HKIE Outstanding Paper Award for Young Engineers/Researchers” as well as “Excellent Research Award” and “Excellent Teaching Award”, and “Excellent Mentor Award” of SUSTech.


9/2008- 8/2012 The University of Hong Kong, Department of Civil Engineering
Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering                                                                                 Hong Kong

9/2004-7/2007 Peking University, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences
M.S. in Ecology                                                                                                             Beijing, China

9/2000-7/2004 Ocean University of China, Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering     
B.S. in Environmental Science                                                                                   Qingdao, China

Work Experience:
9/2014-Present Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech)                   Assistant Professor
9/2012- 2014/8 The University of Hong Kong                                                                    Postdoctoral Fellow
7/2007-7/2008 Energy Saving Cooperation Alliance (ESCA)                                          Assistant to Secretary-General

Activities and Services
• Guest Editor: Environmental Geochemistry and Health
• International Scientific Committee Member: The 2nd International Conference on Biological Waste as Resource 2017 (BWR2017); The 3rd International Conference on Biological Waste as Resource 2018 (BWR2018)
• Organizer and Chair: Guangdong-HK Environmental Materials Workshop in 2015
• Session Chair: The Tenth International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (ICWMT) China (2015) ; The 9th Asia-Pacific Landfill Symposium—Integrated Waste Management and Sustainable Landfilling (APALS 2016); The 2nd International Conference on Biological Waste as Resource 2017 (BWR2017); The 3rd International Conference on Biological Waste as Resource 2017 (BWR2018)
• Organizer and Chair: Guangdong-HK Environmental Materials Workshop in 2015, China (2015)
• Organizer and Coordinator: The First Student International Environment Forum, China (2006)
• Organizer and Coordinator: “Green Olympic” Forum, China (2005)
• Chief: Study Department of the Student's Union, Peking University, China (2005)
• Secretary: “Creation Week for Oversea Scholars” Organized by Qingdao Government, China (2001)

•  “Long-Term Stabilization Mechanisms for Lead, Chromium, and Cadmium in Low-Temperature Reacting Ceramic Matrices” (NSF21707063), National Natural Science Foundation of China , 2018.01-2020.12,¥250,000, PI
•  “Secondary Pollution Mechanisms and Integrated Ecological Remediation of Heavy Metals in River Sediments”, (JCYJ20160429191618506), Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Committee, 2016.07-2019.07,¥2,000, 000, PI
•  “Heavy Metal Stabilization Mechanisms in Glass-Ceramics from Sewage Sludge”, (JCYJ20150601155130432), Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Committee, 2015.01-2018.05,¥300,000, PI, Completed
•  “Spinel Crystal Structure for the Heavy Metal Stabilization in Beneficial Utilization of Sewage Sludge”, Funding from Overseas High-Caliber Personnel, Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Committee, 2015.09-2020.08, ¥3,000,000, PI
•  “Mechanisms for Heavy Metal Stabilization in Sewage Sludge Incineration Residues”, Seed Funding (FRG-SUSTC1501A-33), SUSTech,  2015, ¥500,000, PI
•  “Research team for integrated management and pollution control” (KQTD2016022619584022), Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Committee, 2017.01- 2021.12,¥30,000,000, Core member (the 3rd)
•  “From Waste to Treasure: Recycling Valuable Metals from Spent Lithium-ion Batteries for Regenerating High-Capacity Electrode Materials with Micro-/nanostructures”, Environment and Conservation Fund , 2017.05-2019.04,HK$ 4,543,000, Co-PI (the 3rd)

Certificates and Honors
• SUSTech “Excellent Research Award” (2018)
• SUSTech “Excellent Teaching Award” (2018)
• SUSTech “Excellent Mentor” (2018)
• SUSTech “Excellent Teaching Award” (2016)
• SUSTech “Excellent Award of the Teaching Competition” (2016)
• SUSTech “Excellent Mentor” (2016)
• Overseas High-Caliber Personnel, Shenzhen (2014)
• The HKIE Outstanding Paper Award for Young Engineers/Researchers, Hong Kong (2014)
• Postgraduate Studentship, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (2008-2012)
• Excellent Student Award of Beijing, China (2007)
• Excellent Student Award of Peking University, China (2006)
• “Wusi” Scholarship of Peking University, China (2006)
• Outstanding Individual in the Summer Social Practice of Peking University, China (2006)
• National Scholarship for College Students, China (2003)
• First-Rank Scholarship, Ocean University of China, China (every academic year, 2000-2004)
• Excellent Student Award, Ocean University of China, China (every academic year, 2000-2004)