Current location:Education / Graduate Education / Supervisors / Supervisor for PhD > YI Shuping

YI Shuping

Research Professor


Basic Introduction:

Shuping Yi got a Bachelor’s degree from Jilin University, and his PhD degrees in Hydrogeology from Universidad de A Coruna in Spain. He is the executive deputy director of Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Control. He was awarded the 2014 “Silver Hammer Award", the Geological Science and Technology Award for the Youth. He was also awarded as “Overseas High-Caliber Personnel”, Shenzhen in 2014. He has 14 years of experience in the field of hydrogeology and environmental engineering, including 4 years of EU Integrated Research and 5 years of engineering experience in industry. Dr. Yi has accumulated a wealth of research and practical engineering experience in the field of the safe disposal of radwastes, radionuclides transport mechanisms and modelling, investigation and remediation for groundwater and soil contamination, groundwater resources as well as the impact assessment of groundwater environment. Dr. Yi has led or is leading more than 20 research that contain 4 national and provincial & ministerial level research projects, 11 engineering projects and implemented and participated in 2 EU integrated projects. The research and practical application results have been published in 35 papers, 9 patents and one national standard. He has obtained one Award for excellent engineering consultation (national level, the first prize), one Award for Science and Technology (provincial and ministerial level, the third prize), one award for Science and Technology Progress(provincial and ministerial level, the first prize) and two Awards for explant engineering consultation (provincial and ministerial level, the first prize). He is also the reviewer for international journals, including Science of the Total Environment, Journal of Hydrology, and Environmental Earth Science.


2006-2010,Universidad de A Coruna,Hydrogeology,PhD.

2002-2006,Jilin University,Hydrology and water Resources,Master’s  Degree

1998-2002,Jilin University, Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, bachelor’s  Degree

Work Experience:

2015.7-present,Research Professor,  Southern University of Science and Technology

2012-2015,Guangdong Electric Power Design Institute, China Energy Engineering Group CO., LTD.,Junior engineer

2010-2012,Guangdong Electric Power Design Institute/ Peking University,postdoc

Personal awards:

(1)2014:Silver Hammer Award of the Geological Science and Technology Award for the Youth

(2)2009:Scholarship of national outstanding students at their own expense

(3)2015: Model Communist Party member

(4)2015:Science and technology innovation workers

(5)2015:pacesetter worker

(6)2013:Science and technology innovation workers

(7)2012:Outstanding communist party member

Science and Technology awards:

(1)2018: The third prize of Award for China Energy Construction Group Science and Technology (Provincial and ministerial level, rank fifth)

(2)2016: The first prize of Award for Electric Power Engineering Science and Technology (Provincial and ministerial level, rank third)

(3)2015:The first prize of National Excellent Engineering Consultation (National level, rank first)

(4)2014: The third prize of Award for Science and Technology (Provincial and ministerial level, rank first)

(5)2014:The first prize of Excellent Engineering Consultation in Electric Power Industry (Provincial and ministerial level, rank first)

(6)2014:The first prize of Excellent Engineering Consultation in Guangdong Province (Provincial and ministerial level, rank first)

National standards:

•Wang H.,Cheng X.,YI S.,Zheng W.,Ding J.,He B.,Zhang R.,Li X.,Zhou B.,Jiao C.,Qin J.,Li G.,Wang Y.,Yang Q.,Wang X.,Ma H.,Zeng Q.,Li X..《Code for site investigation of geotechnical engineering for low and intermediate level radioactive waste disposal 》(GB/T 50983-2014),China Planning Press,Jan. 2014, 131 pp.