ZHANG Zuotai
Basic Introduction:
Zuotai Zhang, PhD of Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, currently holds the position of Professor of the School of Environmental Science and Engineering at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), and the Deputy Director of Technology Transfer Center of Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech). Before he joined SUSTech, he was an associate professor of the Department of Energy and Resources Engineering at Peking University. Dr. Zhang’s research interest mainly focuses on utilization of industrial and municipal solid waste. His research has been supported by more than 14 nation-level grants, such as National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). He has published more than 100 peer-reviewed papers and around 30 conference papers, and applied 23 patents. Dr. Zhang also serves as board of review members for Metall. Mater. Trans. A, B and E, AIST Trans and J. Innovative Engineering, and serves as Vice-Chair of Asian Coal Ash Association and Solid Waste Subcommittee of Chinese Ceramic Society of China.
Present Employment:
Professor: School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech)
Deputy Director: Technology Transfer Center of Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech)
Executive Director: The Key Laboratory for Solid Waste Utilization and Management of Shenzhen City
2006.6 Ph.D., Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.
2003.3 Master, University of Science and Technology, Beijing, China.
2000.7 Bachelor, Shandong College of Light Industry, Shandong Province, China.
Work Experience:
2018.01-present: Professor, School of Environmental Science and Technology, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), China.
2015.11-2018.01: Associate Professor, School of Environmental Science and Technology, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), China.
2009.02-2015.10: Associate Professor, Department of Energy and Resources Engineering, Peking University, China.
2007.01-2009.01: Research Associate, Materials Science and Engineering and Center for Iron and Steel Research, Carnegie Mellon University, USA.
Personal Awards:
2016:Shenzhen Talent Peacock Plan
2016:Outstanding reviewer of Metallurgical and Materials Transaction B
2015:National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars
2011:Outstanding reviewer of Metallurgical and Materials Transaction B
Science and Technology Awards:
2015:Investigation of the heat recovery from high temperature slags,TMS 2015 Annual Meeting & Exhibition,Best Paper Award
2014:First Prize of China Association of Circular Economy (Rank Third)
2012:Second Prize of Beijing Science and Technology Award (Rank Fifth)
Research Interests:
1) Comprehensive and clean utilization of solid wastes
2) Transportation mechanism of Trace elements during utilization process
3) Policy of comprehensive utilization of solid waste
Book Chapters and Papers
1) Book Chapter:“Chapter 12: Energy Saving and Emission Reduction from the Steel Industry: Heat Recovery from High Temperature Slags” in “Energy Solutions to Combat Global Warming”, Spriner International Publishing Switzerland,2016, 32 pages
2) Yongqi Sun, Seshadri Seetharaman, Qianyi Liu, Zuotai Zhang*, Lili Liu1 and Xidong Wang. Integrated biomass gasification using the waste heat from hot slags: control of syngas and polluting gas releases. Energy, 2016, Vol.114, 1, pp.165-176.
3) Ji Ru,Zuotai Zhang*, Yan Chen, Mengguang Zhu and Zhongmin Li. Preparation of novel ceramic tile with high Al2O3 content derived from coal fly ash. Construction and Building Materials, 2016, vol.114, pp.888-895.
4) Zhenzhou Yang, Yan Chen, Yongqi Sun, Lili Liu, Zuotai Zhang* and Xinlei Ge. The partitioning behavior of trace element and its distribution in the surrounding soil of a cement plant integrated utilization of hazardous wastes. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, vol.23 pp.13943-13953.
5) Zhenzhou Yang, Yingyi Zhang,S. Seetharaman, Lili Liu, Xidong Wang and Zuotai Zhang*. Integrated utilization of sewage sludge and coal gangue for cement clinker products: promoting tricalcium silicate formation and trace elements immobilization. Materials, 2016, vol.275, pp275. Doi:10.3390/ma9040275
6) Yongqi Sun, Zuotai Zhang*, Lili Liu and Xidong Wang. Integration of biomass/steam gasification with heat recovery from hot slags: thermodynamic characteristics. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016, vol.41, pp.5916-5926.
7) Zhongmin Li, Zhanjun Wang, Mengguang Zhu, Jinfu Li and Zuotai Zhang*. Oxidation Behavior of β-SiAlON Powders Fabricated by Combustion Synthesis. Ceramic International, 2016,vol.42, pp.7290-7299
8) Mengguang Zhu, Ru Ji, Zhongmin Li, Hao Wang, Lili Liu and Zuotai Zhang*. Preparation of glass ceramic foams for thermal insulation applications from coal fly ash and waste glass. Construction and Building Materials, 2016. Vol.112, pp.398-405.
9) Yongqi Sun, Zuotai Zhang*, Lili Liu and Xidong Wang. Integration of biomass/steam gasification with heat recovery from hot slags: thermodynamic characteristics. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016, vol.41, pp.5916-5926.
10) Zhongmin Li, Zhanjun Wang, Mengguang Zhu, Jinfu Li and Zuotai Zhang*. Oxidation Behavior of β-SiAlON Powders Fabricated by Combustion Synthesis. Ceramic International, 2016,vol.42, pp.7290-7299
11) Mengguang Zhu, Ru Ji, Zhongmin Li, Hao Wang, Lili Liu and Zuotai Zhang*. Preparation of glass ceramic foams for thermal insulation applications from coal fly ash and waste glass. Construction and Building Materials, 2016. Vol.112, pp.398-405.
12) Jinfu Li, Zhongmin Li, Enhui Wang, Zhanjun Wang, Xiaowei Yin and Zuotai Zhang*. Oxidation of Ca-α-SiAlON Powders Prepared by Combustion Synthesis. Materials, 2015, 8, pp.7549-7562.
13) Yongqi Sun, Sridhar Seetharaman, Lili Liu, Xidong Wang and Zuotai Zhang*. Integration of coal gasification and waste heat recovery from high temperature steel slags: an emerging strategy to emission reduction. Sci. Rep., 2015, 5: 16591. doi: 10.1038/srep16591
14) Yongqi Sun, Zuotai Zhang*, Lili Liu and Xidong Wang. Two-stage high temperature sludge gasification using the waste heat from hot blast furnace slags. Bioresources Technology, 2015, Vol.198, Pages 364–371
15) Jinfu Li, Changsheng Yue, Mei Zhang, Xidong Wang and Zuotai Zhang*. Facile and Economical Preparation of SiAlON-based composites using Coal Gangue: From Fundamental to Industrial Application. Energies, 2015, 8, 7428-7440.
16) Yan Chen, Xiangmei Zhang, Qianyi Liu, Xidong Wang, Ling Xu and Zuotai Zhang*. Facile and Economical Synthesis of porous activated semi-coke for highly efficient and fast removal of microcystin-LR. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2015, vol.299, pp.325-332.
17) Zhanjun Wang, Yongqi Sun, Seetharaman Sridhar, Mei Zhang, Min Guo and Zuotai Zhang*. Selective Crystallization Behavior of CaO-SiO2-Al2O3-MgO-FetO-P2O5 Steelmaking Slags Modified through P2O5 and Al2O3. Metallurgical and Materials Transaction B, 2015, vol.46 (5), pp.2246-2254.
18) Yingyi Zhang, Jinichiro Nakano, Lili Liu, Xidong Wang and Zuotai Zhang*. Trace elements partitioning behaviors of coal gangue fired CFB plant: experimental and equilibrium calculation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, Vol. 22, Issue 20, pp.15469-15478
19) Yongqi Sun, Jinichiro Nakano, Lili Liu, Xidong Wang and Zuotai Zhang*. Achieving waste to energy through sewage sludge gasification using hot slags: syngas production. Scientific. Reports, 2015, 5, 11436; doi: 10.1038/srep11436.
20) Yongqi Sun and Zuotai Zhang*. Structural roles of boron and silicon in the CaO-SiO2-B2O3 glasses using FTIR, Raman and NMR Spectroscopy. Metallurgical and Materials Transaction B, 2015,vol.46, pp.1549-1554.
21) Yingyi Zhang, Ling Xu, Seetharaman Sridhar, Lili Liu, Xidong Wang and Zuotai Zhang*. Effects of chemistry and mineral on structural evolution and chemical reactivity of coal gangue during calcination: towards efficient utilization. Materials and Structure, 2015, Vol, 48, pp.2779-2793.
22) Yingyi Zhang, J. Nakano, Lili Liu, Xidong Wang and Zuotai Zhang*. Co-combustion and emission characteristics of coal gangue and low quality coal. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2015, Volume 120, Issue 3, Page 1883-1892