梁修雨,南京大学水文学及水资源专业博士。曾任南京大学水科学研究中心助理研究员、副研究员。主要从事地下水资源与环境方向的研究工作,具体包括,饱和-非饱和水流耦合模拟、地表-地下水交互作用、地下水流及溶质的时间尺度性、地下水溶质运移模拟、气体运移过程及模拟等。发表科技论文40余篇,其中以第一/通讯作者身份在水资源领域顶级期刊Water Resources Research,Water Research等上发表SCI论文24篇。主持包括国家自然科学基金、国家水专项子任务和省自然科学基金项目5项。中国水利学会地下水科学与工程专业委员会委员。分别担任国际学术期刊Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess和Vadose Zone Journal副主编,并长期担任水资源领域10多个学术期刊的审稿人,并获得水文学国际知名期刊Journal of Hydrology 2016、2018年度杰出审稿人称号。
2021.01 – 今, 南方科技大学, 环境科学与工程学院, 助理教授
2018.02 – 2020.12,南方科技大学, 环境科学与工程学院, 研究副教授
2015.07 – 2018.01,南京大学, 水科学研究中心, 副研究员
2012.07 – 2015.07,南京大学, 水科学研究中心, 助理研究员
2016.11 – 2017.11,美国德州农工大学,地质与地球物理系, 访问学者
2013.08 – 2014.08,美国爱荷华大学, 地球科学系, 博士后
2009.09 – 2012.06,南京大学, 地球科学与工程学院,水文学及水资源,博士
2005.09 – 2008.06,安徽理工大学, 地球与环境学院,地质工程(水文地质),硕士
2001.09 – 2005.06,安徽理工大学, 地球与环境学院,资源环境(水文地质),学士
[1]. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,非饱和-饱和带溶质波动的时间分形特征及机理研究,2020年1月-2023年12月,主持;
[2]. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于随机方法的饱和-非饱和带水流时间尺度性研究,2014年1月-2016年12月,主持
[3]. 江苏省自然科学基金青年项目,土壤含水率和地下位的时间尺度性研究,2013年7月-2016年7月,主持
[4]. 国家重大水专项“十二五”淮河项目子任务,八里河流域水质目标管理方案研究,2015年6月-2018年12月,主持
[5]. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,我国西南地区基岩裂隙水的形成与分布规律及探测理论研究,2014年1月-2018年12月,骨干
[1]. 2020 –今,国际学术刊物《Vadose Zone Journal》副主编
[2]. 2019 –今,国际学术刊物《Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment》副主编
[3]. 2020 –今,中国水利学会地下水科学与工程专业委员会委员
[1]. 饱和-非饱和水流耦合模拟
[2]. 地表-地下水交互作用
[3]. 气体迁移过程及模拟
[4]. 地下水流及溶质运移的随机理论
地下水水文学(Groundwater Hydrology)
空间统计学 (Applied Geostatistics)
[1]. Liang, X.Y., V. Zlotnik *, Y.-K. Zhang, and P. Xin, 2020. Diagnostic Analysis of Bank Storage Effects on Sloping Floodplains, Water Resources Research, 56(2), e2019WR026385. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019WR026385.
[2]. Lu, H.F., N. Shan, Y.K. Zhang, and X.Y. Liang*, 2020. Effect of Strain-Dependent Hydraulic Conductivity of Coal Rock on Groundwater Inrush in Mining, Geofluids, Article ID 8887392, doi: 10.1155/2020/8887392.
[3]. Ma, E.Z., Y.K. Zhang, X.Y. Liang*, J.Z. Yang, Y.Q. Zhao, X.Y. Liu, 2019, An analytical model of bubble-facilitated vapor intrusion, Water Research, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2019.114992.
[4]. Liang, X.Y., Y.K. Zhang*, J. Liu, E.Z. Ma, C.M. Zheng, 2019, Solute transport with linear reactions in porous media with layered structure: A semi-analytical model, Water Resources Research, 55, 5102–5118. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019WR024778.
[5]. Liang, X.Y., H.B. Zhan*, and Y.K. Zhang*, 2018, Aquifer Recharge Using a Vadose Zone Infiltration Well, Water Resources Research, 54, 8847–8863. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018WR023409.
[6]. Liang, X.Y., H.B. Zhan*, and K. Schilling, 2018, Spatiotemporal Responses of Groundwater Flow and Aquifer-River Exchanges to Flood Events, Water Resources Research, 54(3), 1513-1532.
[7]. Liang, X.Y*., H.B. Zhan*, Y.K. Zhang, K. Schilling, 2018. Reply to Comment by Roques et al. on "Base Flow Recession from Unsaturated-Saturated Porous Media considering Lateral Unsaturated Discharge and Aquifer Compressibility", Water Resources Research, 54(4), 3220-3222.
[8]. Liang, X.Y., H.B. Zhan*, J. Liu, G.M. Dong, Y.K. Zhang, 2018, A simple method of transport parameter estimation for slug injecting tracer tests in porous media, Science of The Total Environment, 644, 1536-1546. DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.06.330.
[9]. Liang, X.Y*., H.B. Zhan*, Y.K. Zhang, J. Liu, 2018, Underdamped slug tests with unsaturated-saturated flows by considering effects of wellbore skins, Hydrological Processes, 32(7), 968-980.
[10]. Lu H.F., X.Y. Liang*, N. Shan, Y.K. Zhang, 2018, Study on the Stability of the Coal Seam Floor above a Confined Aquifer Using the Structural System Reliability Method, Geofluids, https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/9580271.
[11]. Liang, X.Y*., H.B. Zhan*, Y.K. Zhang, K. Schilling, 2017. Base flow recession from Unsaturated-Saturated porous media considering lateral unsaturated discharge and aquifer compressibility, Water Resources Research, 53(9), 7832-7852. DOI: 10.1002/2017WR020938.
[12]. Liang, X.Y*., H.B. Zhan*, Y.K. Zhang, J. Liu, 2017. On the coupled unsaturated-saturated flow process induced by vertical, horizontal, and slant wells in unconfined aquifers. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 21(2): 1251-1262. DOI:10.5194/hess-21-1251-2017.
[13]. Zhao, Y., Y.-K. Zhang*, and X.Y. Liang*, 2017. Three-Dimensional Hydromechanical Modeling during Shearing by Nonuniform Crust Movement, Geofluids, Article ID 9605313, 14 pages, 2017. doi:10.1155/2017/9605313
[14]. Yang, C., Y.-K. Zhang, X.Y. Liang*, 2018. Analysis of temporal variation and scaling of hydrological variables based on a numerical model of the Sagehen Creek watershed. Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess, 32(2): 357-368. DOI:10.1007/s00477-017-1421-0.
[15]. Liang, X.Y., Keith. Schilling, Y.-K. Zhang*, J. Christopher, 2016. Co-Kriging Estimation of Nitrate-Nitrogen Loads in an Agricultural River, Water Resources Management, 30(5):1771-1784.
[16]. Zhao, Y.Q., Y.-K. Zhang, X.Y. Liang*, 2016. Analytical Solutions of Three-Dimensional Groundwater Flow to a Well in a Leaky Sloping Fault-Zone Aquifer, Journal of Hydrology, 539:204–213.
[17]. Yang, C., Y.-K. Zhang, X.Y. Liang*, 2016. Effects of temporally correlated infiltration on water flow in an unsaturated-saturated system. Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess, 30(7): 2009-2017. DOI:10.1007/s00477-015-1119-0
[18]. Liang, X.Y., Y.-K. Zhang*, Keith. Schilling, 2016. Effect of heterogeneity on spatiotemporal variations of groundwater level in a bounded unconfined aquifer. Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess, 30(1): 1-8. DOI: 10.1007/s00477-014-0990-4.
[19]. Liang, X.Y., Y.-K. Zhang*, 2015. Analyses of uncertainties and scaling of groundwater level fluctuations. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 01/2015; 12(1):1-23.
[20]. Liang, X.Y., Y.-K. Zhang*, Keith. Schilling, 2015. Analytical solutions for two-dimensional groundwater flow with subsurface drainage tiles. Journal of Hydrology, 521: 556-564.
[21]. Liang, X.Y., Y.-K. Zhang, 2013. Temporal and spatial variation and scaling of groundwater levels in a bounded unconfined aquifer. Journal of Hydrology, 479: 139-145.
[22]. Liang, X.Y., Y.-K. Zhang, 2013. Analytic solutions to transient groundwater flow under time-dependent sources in a heterogeneous aquifer bounded by fluctuating river stage. Advances in Water Resources, 58: 1-9.
[23]. Liang, X.Y., Y.-K. Zhang, 2012. A new analytical method for groundwater recharge and discharge estimation. Journal of Hydrology, 450: 17-24.
[24]. Liang, X.Y., Y.-K. Zhang, 2012. Analytical Solution for Drainage and Recession from an Unconfined Aquifer. Groundwater, 50(5): 793-798.
[25]. Cheng, Y., J. Ding, X.Y. Liang, X.W. Ji, L. Xu, X.X. Xie*, and Y.-K. Zhang, 2020. Fractions Transformation and Dissipation Mechanism of Dechlorane Plus in the Rhizosphere of the Soil-Plant System. Environmental Science & Technology. doi:10.1021/acs.est.9b06748
[26]. Nan, T.C.*, J.C. Wu*, A. Guadagnini, X.K. Zeng, and X.Y. Liang, 2020. Random walk evaluation of Green’s functions for groundwater flow in heterogeneous aquifers. Journal of Hydrology, 588. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125029
[27]. Liu, J., X.K. Zeng*, E.Z. Ma*, J.C. Wu, Y.-K. Zhang, Y.Y. Sun, X.Y. Liang, and C.M. Zheng, 2020. On the nanoparticle transport and release in layered heterogeneous porous media under transient chemical conditions. Journal of Hydrology, 586. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.124889
[28]. Qi, C.T., H.B. Zhan*, X.Y. Liang, and C. Ma, 2020. Influence of time-dependent ground surface flux on aquifer recharge with a vadose zone injection well. Journal of Hydrology, 584. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.124739
[29]. Chen, C., Y. Tian, Y.-K. Zhang, X. He, X.F. Yang, X.Y. Liang, Y. Zheng, F. Han, C.M. Zheng, and C. Yang*, 2019. Effects of agricultural activities on the temporal variations of streamflow: trends and long memory, Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess, 33(8-9), 1553-1564.
[30]. Schilling, K.E., C.S. Jones, R.J. Clark, R.D. Libra, X.Y. Liang, Y.-K. Zhang, 2019. Contrasting NO3-N concentration patterns at two karst springs in Iowa (USA): insights on aquifer nitrogen storage and delivery. Hydrogeology Journal, 27(4), 1389-1400.
[31]. Liu, J., X.K. Zeng, J.C. Wu, X.Y. Liang, Y.Y. Sun, H.B. Zhan, 2018. Assessing titanium dioxide nanoparticles transport models by Bayesian uncertainty analysis. Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess, 32(12), 3365-3379.
[32]. Schilling, K. E., C. S. Jones, C. F. Wolter, X.Y. Liang, Y. K. Zhang, A. Seeman, T. Isenhart, D. Schnoebelen, and M. Skopec, 2017. Variability of nitrate-nitrogen load estimation results will make quantifying load reduction strategies difficult in Iowa, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 72(4), 317-325.
[33]. 王莹, 张幼宽, 梁修雨*, 谢显传,2019. 沙颍河流域安徽段水环境容量计算及动态分析, 人民黄河, 41(01): 79-84.
[34]. 杨晨, 张幼宽, 梁修雨*, 2015. 分形入渗下非饱和-饱和系统中水流的时空变化, 南京大学学报(自然科学), 51(06): 1279-1290.
[35]. 杨晨, 张幼宽, 梁修雨*, 2015. 非均质性对非饱和—饱和系统水流时空变化的作用, 高校地质学报,21(3): 559-568
[36]. 吴海燕, 傅世锋, 蔡晓琼, 汤坤贤, 曹超, 陈庆辉, 2015. 梁修雨. 东山岛地下水“三氮”空间分布特征, 环境科学, 36(09): 3203-3211.
[37]. 郑玉虎, 张幼宽, 梁修雨, 2015. 贾鲁河中牟段河岸带地下水流及水质特征研究, 高校地质学报,21(2): 234-242
[38]. 鲁海峰, 姚多喜, 梁修雨, 郭立全, 沈丹, 2013. 采动底板横观各向同性岩体应力解析解, 地下空间与工程学报, 9(5): 1050-1056.
[39]. 陈荦, 张幼宽, 梁修雨, 袁文波, 潘田, 2013. 土壤-含水层侧渗系统在净化河水中的应用以郑州市索须河工程为例, 水文地质与工程地质,40(4): 93-98.
[1] Liang, X.Y., X.Y. Liu, E.Z. Ma, 2020. Analytical model of vapor transport in vadose zone with fluctuated water table, Annual Meeting of Chinese Hydraulic Engineering Society, Nanjing, November 18-19.
[2] Liang, X.Y., Y.-K. Zhang, C.M. Zheng, E.Z. Ma, 2019. Analytical solution for reactive solute transport in porous media with structural heterogeneity, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, December 9-13.
[3] Liang, X.Y., H.B. Zhan, Y.-K. Zhang, K. Schilling, 2018. Dynamic of groundwater flow and aquifer-river exchanges induced by flood events, AGU Fall meeting, Washington D.C., December 10-14.
[4] Liang, X.Y., H.B. Zhan, Y.-K. Zhang, 2017. Effects of Unsaturated Zones on Base flow Recession: Analytical Solutions and Applications, AGU Fall meeting, New Orleans, December 11-15.
[5] Zhan, H.B., X.Y. Liang, 2017. Baseflow recession from unsaturated-saturated flow, GSA Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, October 25. DOI: 10.1130/abs/2017AM-302315
[6] Liang, X.Y., K. Schilling, Y.-K. Zhang, J. Christopher, 2016. Estimation of nitrate-nitrogen loads in an Iowa river using kriging and rating curve methodologies, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, December 12-16.
[7] Yang, C., Y.-K. Zhang, X.Y. Liang, J.D. Liu, 2016. Temporal variation and scaling of hydrological variables in a typical watershed, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, December 12-16.
[8] Liang, X.Y. and Y.-K. Zhang, 2015. The uncertainties and temporal scaling of groundwater level fluctuations in a bounded aquifer, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, December 14-18.
[9] Zhao, Y.Q., X.Y. Liang, Y.-K. Zhang, 2015. Hydromechanical modeling of tectonically driven groundwater flow, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, December 14-18.
[10] Yang, C., Y.-K. Zhang, X.Y. Liang, 2014. Damping effect of an unsaturated-saturated system on tempospatial variations of pressure head and specific flux, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, December 15-19.
[11] Liang, X.Y. and Y.-K. Zhang, 2013. Temporal and spatial variation and scaling of groundwater levels in a bounded unconfined aquifer, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, December 9-13.
[12] Zhang, Y.-K., C. Yang, X.Y. Liang, 2015. Temporal variation and scaling of hydrological variables in a typical watershed, International Groundwater Forum, Xi’an, July 6-7.
[13] Liang, X.Y. and Y.-K. Zhang, 2012. Temporal variation of hydrogeological variables and its implication, International Groundwater Forum, Baoding, July 6-7.
[14] Zhang, Y.-K., and X.Y. Liang, 2011. A new analytic method for recharge and discharge estimation using observed groundwater levels, International Groundwater Forum, Wuhan, July 14-15, 2011.