刘蓓,研究副教授,2017年在北京师范大学取得博士学位,主要研究方向为环境界⾯化学过程,包括痕量有机污染物环境⾏为及归趋、纳⽶材料在环境介质中的迁移转化等过程。博士期间多次获得博士研究生国家奖学金,曾在美国威斯康星麦迪逊分校、瑞士苏黎世大学交流访问。目前以第一/通讯作者在环境领域知名期刊Environmental Science & Technology、Applied Catalysis B:Environmental、Chemical Engineering Journal等共发表论文二十余篇。主持博士后基金及国家自然科学基金青年项目,同时参与多项国家自然科学基金面上项目及深圳市重点项目等。
南方科技大学,研究副教授 2024.06 至今
南方科技大学,研究助理教授 2021.10 – 2024.06
南方科技大学,博士后 2020.01 – 2021.10
陕西科技大学,讲师 2018.12 – 2019.10
苏黎世大学,访问学者 2018.03 – 2018.11
北京师范大学,环境工程专业,博士学位 2011.09 – 2017.07
美国威斯康星麦迪逊分校,联合培养博士 2015.09 – 2016.09
长安大学,环境工程专业,学士学位 2007.09 – 2011.07
1. 担任Journal of Hazardous Materials、Journal of colloid and Interface Science、Environmental Science and Pollution Research等期刊审稿人
1. 博士研究生国家奖学金 (2015)
2. 博士研究生国家奖学金 (2016)
3. “宇图天下”优秀奖 (2014)
1. “两种代表性离子型与非离子型有机污染物在土壤-植物体系中的转运机制”(2020.01–2022.12,国家自然科学基金青年项目,项目负责人)
2. “溶解性有机质对二维纳米材料MoS2胶体稳定性的影响机制”(2020.09–2021.09,第68批中国博士后基金面上项目,项目负责人)
3. 深圳市自然科学基金重点项目,202208183000308,( 2023.01–2026.12,主要参与人)
4. “基于相和结构调控的二硫化钼二维材料去除重金属性能及机理研究”(2021.01–2024.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目,主要参与人)
1. 纳米材料的环境行为及迁移转化: 纳米材料环境行为的界面过程,包括材料在环境中的氧化还原等化学过程及胶体稳定性,纳米材料在土壤-植物体系的转运过程及机制等;
2. 稀土元素Ce地球化学循环:Ce元素在地球化学过程中的价态及形态转化,包含氧化铈与有机配体、地球矿物等相互作用机制,及氧化铈氧化还原过程及相转变等;
1. Bei Liu, Zixin Han, Yu Pan, Xun Liu, Meng Zhang, Aling Wan, Zhongying Wang*, Synergistic Effects of Organic Ligands and Visible Light on the Reductive Dissolution of CeO2 Nanoparticles: Mechanisms and Implications for the Transformation in Plant Surroundings. Environmental Science and Technology, 57 (2023) 11999–12009.
2. Bei Liu, Zixin Han, Qi Han, Yufei Shu, Li Li, Beizhao Chen, Zhongying Wang*, Joel A. Pedersen*, Redispersion Behavior of 2D MoS2 Nanosheets: Unique Dependence on the Intervention Timing of Natural Organic Matter, Environmental Science and Technology 57 (2023) 939-950.
3. Bei Liu, Qi Han, Li Li, Sunxiang Zheng, Yufei Shu, Joel Pedersen, Zhongying Wang*, Synergistic effect of metal cations and visible light on 2D MoS2 nanosheet aggregation. Environmental Science and Technology, 55 (2021), 16379–16389.
4. Bei Liu, Jingyan Zhang, Qi Han, Yufei Shu, Li Wang, Hui Li, Lei Li*, Zhongying Wang*, Redispersion Mechanisms of 2D Nanosheets: Combined Role of Intersheet Contact and Surface Chemistry. Nanoscale 15 (2023) 2965-3568.
5. Bei Liu, Zixin Han, Qi Han, Yufei Shu, Mengxia Wang, Li Wang, Zhongying Wang*, Joel A. Pedersen, Correlating of Phase Composition and Geometric Structure to the Colloidal Stability of 2D MoS2 Nanomaterials, Environmental Science: Nano, 9 (2022) 1605-1616.
6. Bei Liu, Yanxia Li*, Shiying Gao, Xingcai Chen, Copper exposure to soil under single and repeated application: Selection for the microbial community tolerance and effects on the dissipation of antibiotics, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 325 (2017) 129–135.
7. Bei Liu, Yanxia Li*, Xuelian Zhang, Chenghong Feng, Min Gao, Effects of composting process on the dissipation of extractable sulfonamides in swine manure. Bioresource Technology, 175 (2015) 284-290.
8. Bei Liu, Yanxia Li*, Xuelian Zhang, Jing Wang, Min Gao, Effects of chlortetracycline on soil microbial communities: Indicators of enzyme activities compared to functional diversity via Biolog EcoPlatesTM, European Journal of Soil Biology 68 (2015) 69-76.
9. Bei Liu, Yanxia Li*, Xuelian Zhang, Jing Wang, Min Gao, Combined effects of chlortetracycline and dissolved organic matter extracted from pig manure on the functional diversity of soil microbial community, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 74 (2014) 148-155.
10. Bei Liu, Yanxia Li*, Xuelian Zhang, Jing Wang, Chaozi Liao, Effects of veterinary antibiotics on soil microbial community: a review. Asian journal of ecotoxicology, 8 (2013) 839-846 (in Chinese).
11. Yufei Shu, Xun Liu, Meng Zhang, Bei Liu*, Zhongying Wang*, Deactivation of porphyrin metal-organic framework in advanced oxidation process: Photobleaching and underlying mechanism. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 346 (2024) 123746.
12. Wang, M.; Zhang, M.; Han, Q.; Shu, Y.; Liu, X.; Chen, B.; Chen, Y.; Liu, B.*; Wang, Z.* Effect of Natural Organic Matter (NOM) on the Removal Efficiency of Hg(Ii) by MoS2: Dependence on the Hg/MoS2 Ratio and NOM Properties. Environental Science: Nano, 11 (2024), 1129–1141.
13. Wang, M.; Han, Q.; Zhang, M.; Liu, X.; Liu, B.*; Wang, Z.* Efficient Remediation of Mercury-Contaminated Groundwater Using MoS2 Nanosheets in an in Situ Reactive Zone. Journal of Contaminant Hydrololgy, 264 (2024), 104347
14. Pan, Y.; Liu, X.; Zhang, M.; Han, Q.; Shu, Y.; Wang, M.; Liu, B.*; Wang, Z.* The impact of redox annealing on intrinsic properties and fluoride adsorption performance of CeO2 nanomaterials. Chemical Engineering Journal, 476 (2023), 146347.
15. Shu, Y.; Chen, Y.; Han, Q.; Liu, X.; Liu, B.*; Wang, Z.* Selective and Light-Enhanced Au(III) Recovery by a Porphyrin-Based Metal–Organic Framework: Performance and Underlying Mechanisms. ACS ES&T Engineering, 3 (2023) 1042–1052.
16. Chen, Y.; Wang, L.; Shu, Y.; Han, Q.; Chen, B.; Wang, M.; Liu, X.; Rehman, D.; Liu, B.*; Wang, Z.*; Lienhard, J. Selective Recovery of Gold from E‑Wastewater Using Poly‑m‑phenylenediamine Nanoparticles and Assembled Membranes. ACS Applied Engineering Materials, 1 (2023) 2127–2136.
17. Beizhao Chen, Xun Liu, Bei Liu*, Qi Han, Li Li, Li Wang, Yufei Shu, Linlin Zang, Wenlei Zhu, Zhongying Wang*, Joint role of light assistance and elevated crystallinity on the peroxymonosulfate activation by carbon nitride for nonradical degradation, Chemosphere 321 (2023) 138112.
18. Li Li, Qi Han, Li Wang, Bei Liu*, Kunkun Wang, Zhongying Wang*, Dual Roles of MoS2 Nanosheets in Advanced Oxidation Processes: Activating Permonosulfate and Quenching Radicals. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 440:135866.
19. Kunkun Wang, Qi Han, Beizhao Chen, Bei Liu*, Zhongying Wang*, Electrochemical Exfoliation of MoS2 Nanosheets with Ultrahigh Stability for Lead Adsorption, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 50 (2022), 103212.
20. Yanxia Li*, Bei Liu, Xuelian Zhang, Min Gao, Jing Wang, Effects of Cu exposure on enzyme activities and selection for microbial tolerances during swine-manure composting, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 283 (2015) 512-518.
21. Yanxia Li*, Bei Liu, Xuelian Zhang, Jing Wang, Shiying Gao, The distribution of veterinary antibiotics in the river system in a livestock-producing region and interactions between different phases, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23 (2016) 16542-16551.
22. Wang, Mengxia, Qi Han, Yufei Shu, Kunkun Wang, Li Wang, Bei Liu, Ines Zucker, and Zhongying Wang. 2022. “Matrix Effects on the Performance and Mechanism of Hg Removal from Groundwater by MoS2 Nanosheets.” Environmental Science: Advances 1(1):59–69.
23. Wang, Zhongying, Qingsong Tu, Alison Sim, Julie Yu, Yanghua Duan, Sidney Poon, Bei Liu, Qi Han, Jeffrey J. Urban, David Sedlak, and Baoxia Mi. 2020. “Superselective Removal of Lead from Water by Two-Dimensional MoS2 Nanosheets and Layer-Stacked Membranes.” Environmental Science & Technology 54(19):12602–11.