张斌田,南方科技大学环境科学与工程学院副教授(研究员、博士生导师、课题组长)。本科毕业于南开大学,博士毕业于中科院生态中心,先后在中科院福建物构所及美国亚利桑那州立大学从事研究工作,入选国家级海外高层次人才及深圳市孔雀特聘岗位。主要研究方向为环境分析化学,围绕低浓度环境污染物的快速检测、污染物的毒性筛查以及分子毒理学研究,发展高灵敏的生物分析技术、生物传感器及便携式检测设备等。主持包括国家自然科学基金在内的科研项目多项。在国内外学术期刊发表研究论文30多篇,其中以第一及通讯作者身份在PNAS、JACS、ACS Nano、Nano Letters、AC等顶级刊物发表论文10余篇。获得授权国际专利(PCT)、美国及中国专利6项,实现专利技术转让2项。曾获“亚利桑那州立大学技术转让优秀奖”、“ACS 特殊贡献奖”等奖励。在单分子蛋白电导的基础理论及应用领域做出了一系列原创性成果,被美国科学促进会(AAAS)网站、Science Daily、PHYS.ORG、Physics World等十多家国际主流科技媒体报道。
2022.12 - 至今 南方科技大学 副教授(研究员)
2021.09 - 2022.11 南方科技大学 助理教授(副研究员)
2016.10 - 2021.06 亚利桑那州立大学 副研究员 (Stuart Lindsay课题组)
2015.01 - 2016.10 中科院福建物构所 副研究员(林璋课题组)
2012.07 - 2014.12 中科院福建物构所 助理研究员(林璋课题组)
2007 - 2012 中科院生态环境研究中心,环境科学,博士学位(导师:郭良宏研究员)
2003 - 2007 南开大学,环境科学,学士学位 (导师:朱琳教授)
1. “基于单分子蛋白电导的内分泌干扰物与蛋白相互作用研究”,面上项目,国家自然科学基金委员会,2023.01-2026.12(在研,项目负责人)
2. “基于分子印迹技术的光电化学传感器检测酚类内泌干扰物 ”,青年基金项目,国家自然科学基金委员会,2014.01-2016.12(结题,项目负责人)
3. “基于ZnO纳米花的光电化学传感器研究”,福建省青年基金项目,福建省科学技术厅, 2014.01-2016.12(结题,项目负责人)
4. “面向PTS快速检测与重度污染土壤治理的实用化纳米材料与技术研究”,973项目,科技部,2013.01-2017.12 (结题,参与)
5. “表面包裹和浓度对水溶性II-IV 族荧光量子点生长机制和尺寸调控的影响”,面上项目,国家自然科学基金委员会,2013.01-2016.12。(结题,参与)
1. 环境分析化学
2. 新型生物传感器及分析仪器研制
3. 单分子检测技术研究
4. 污染物毒性筛查
5. 污染物快速分析检测技术开发
ESE336 - 环境分析化学(本科生)
ESE5096 - 环境生物分析化学(研究生)
发表论文(#: 同等贡献, *: 通讯作者)
1. Hu, Q., Ren, G., Ye, J., Zhang, B.*, Rensing, C. & Zhou, S*. Hygroelectric-photovoltaic coupling generator using self-assembled bio-nano hybrids. Chemical Engineering Journal 452, 139169, (2023).
2. Tang, L., Yi, L., Jiang, T., Ren, R., Nadappuram, B. P., Zhang, B., Wu, J., Liu, X., Lindsay, S., Edel, J. B. & Ivanov, A. P. Measuring conductance switching in single proteins using quantum tunneling. Science Advances 8, eabm8149, (2022).
3. Hu, Q., Ma, Y., Ren, G., Zhang, B. & Zhou, S. Water evaporation–induced electricity with Geobacter sulfurreducens biofilms. Science Advances 8, eabm8047, (2022).
4. Zhang, B.#, Ryan, E.#, Wang, X., Song, W. & Lindsay, S. Electronic Transport in Molecular Wires of Precisely Controlled Length Built from Modular Proteins. ACS Nano 16, 1671-1680, (2022).
5. Zhang, B.#, Ryan, E.#, Wang, X. & Lindsay, S. Probing Bioelectronic Connections Using Streptavidin Molecules with Modified Valency. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 143, 15139-15144, (2021).
6. Ren, G., Wang, Z., Zhang, B., Liu, X., Ye, J., Hu, Q. & Zhou, S. A facile and sustainable hygroelectric generator using whole-cell Geobacter sulfurreducens. Nano Energy 89, 1-8, (2021).
7. Zhang, B., Song, W., Brown, J., Nemanich, R. & Lindsay, S. Electronic conductance resonance in non-redox-active proteins. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 142, 6432-6438, (2020).
8. Zhang, B. & Lindsay, S. Electronic decay length in a protein molecule. Nano Lett. 19, 4017-4022, (2019).
9. Zhang, B.#, Deng, H.#, Mukherjee, S., Song, W., Wang, X. & Lindsay, S. Engineering an enzyme for direct electrical monitoring of activity. ACS nano 14, 1360-1368, (2019).
10. Zhang, B., Song, W., Pang, P., Lai, H., Chen, Q., Zhang, P. & Lindsay, S. Role of contacts in long-range protein conductance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116, 5886-5891, (2019).
11. Xiao, B., Liang, F., Liu, S., Im, J., Li, Y., Liu, J., Zhang, B., Zhou, J., He, J. & Chang, S. Cucurbituril mediated single molecule detection and identification via recognition tunneling. Nanotechnology 29, 365501, (2018).
12. Zhang, B.#, Song, W.#, Pang, P., Zhao, Y., Zhang, P., Csabai, I., Vattay, G. & Lindsay, S. Observation of giant conductance fluctuations in a protein. Nano futures 1, 035002, (2017).
13. Zhang, B., Lu, L., Huang, F. & Lin, Z. [Ru (bpy) 3] 2+-mediated photoelectrochemical detection of bisphenol A on a molecularly imprinted polypyrrole modified SnO2 electrode. Anal. Chim. Acta 887, 59-66, (2015).
14. Wu, Y., Yang, X., Zhang, B. & Guo, L.-H. An electrochemiluminescence biosensor for 8-oxo-7, 8-dihydro-2′-deoxyguanosine quantification and DNA repair enzyme activity analysis using a novel bifunctional probe. Biosens. Bioelectron. 69, 235-240, (2015).
15. Wang, C., Zhang, Y., Guan, M., Cui, L., Ding, K., Zhang, B., Lin, Z., Huang, F. & Zeng, Y. Specific detection of mercury (II) irons using AlGaAs/InGaAs high electron mobility transistors. J. Cryst. Growth 425, 381-384, (2015).
16. Lu, L., Yue, X., Lin, F., Huang, F., Zhang, B.*& Lin, Z.* Template-synthesized ultra-thin molecularly imprinted polymers membrane for the selective preconcentration of dyes. J. Mater. Chem. A 3, 10959-10968, (2015).
17. Zhang, B., Lu, L., Hu, Q., Huang, F. & Lin, Z. ZnO nanoflower-based photoelectrochemical DNAzyme sensor for the detection of Pb2+. Biosens. Bioelectron. 56, 243-249, (2014).
18. Ding, K., Wang, C., Zhang, B., Zhang, Y., Guan, M., Cui, L., Zhang, Y., Zeng, Y., Lin, Z. & Huang, F. Specific detection of alpha-fetoprotein using AlGaAs/GaAs high electron mobility transistors. IEEE Electron Device Lett. 35, 333-335, (2014).
19. Wu, Y., Zhang, B. & Guo, L.-H. Label-free and selective photoelectrochemical detection of chemical DNA methylation damage using DNA repair enzymes. Anal. Chem. 85, 6908-6914, (2013).
20. Ren, X.-M., Guo, L.-H., Gao, Y., Zhang, B.-T. & Wan, B. Hydroxylated polybrominated diphenyl ethers exhibit different activities on thyroid hormone receptors depending on their degree of bromination. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 268, 256-263, (2013).
21. Li, M.-J., Wu, Y.-P., Zhang, B.-T. & Guo, L.-H. Detection and application of DNA abasic sites. Chin. J. Anal. Chem. 41, 965-972, (2013).
22. Zhang, B., Guo, L.-H. & Greenberg, M. M. Quantification of 8-OxodGuo Lesions in Double-Stranded DNA Using a Photoelectrochemical DNA Sensor. Anal. Chem. 84, 6048-6053, (2012).
24. Zhang, B. & Guo, L.-H. Highly sensitive and selective photoelectrochemical DNA sensor for the detection of Hg2+ in aqueous solutions. Biosens. Bioelectron. 37, 112-115, (2012).
25. Zhang, B., Du, X., Jia, S., He, J. & Guo, L. Rapid assessment of DNA damage induced by polystyrene nanosphere suspension using a photoelectrochemical DNA sensor. Science China Chemistry 54, 1260, (2011).
1. “Method for electronic detection and quantification of antibodies”, Stuart Lindsay,Bintian Zhang, WO2019217600A1, Nov. 14, 2021 (US/PCT)
2. “Bioelectronic circuits, systems and methods for preparing and using them”, Stuart Lindsay,Bintian Zhang,Hanqing Deng, WO2020160300A3, Sep. 10, 2020 (US/PCT)
3. “Direct electrical readout of nucleic acid sequences”, Stuart Lindsay,Bintian Zhang,Hanqing Deng, WO2020257654A1, Dec. 24, 2020 (US/PCT)
4. “Methods for sequencing biopolymers”, Stuart Lindsay, Eathen Ryan, Bintian Zhang, Xu Wang, US20220389502A1, Jun. 3, 2022 (US)