王钟颍,本科毕业于清华大学,随后在美国布朗大学获得工程硕士和化学博士学位。先后在布朗大学工程学院Robert Hurt教授和加州大学伯克利分校Baoxia Mi教授课题组从事博士后研究工作。于2019年7月加入南方科技大学担任副教授(研究员)。 近年来在Chemical Society Reviews, PNAS, ACS Nano, Advanced Materials, Nano Letters, Environmental Science and Technology, and Nanoscale等杂志发表论文 20 余篇,总引用次数1200余次。并担任Water Research, Environmental Science: Nano, Environmental Science and Technology等十余个杂志的独立审稿人。
2010-2015:博士 (化学) ,布朗大学
2012-2015:硕士 (工程学) ,布朗大学
2006-2010:学士 (化学) ,清华大学
2016-2019:加州伯克利分校 (环境工程系),博士后
2017 Poster Award. 11th International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes
2013 Outstanding Paper Award. ASME 2013 2nd Global Congress on NanoEngineering for Medicine and Biology.
2009 清华大学一等奖学金
2008 清华-三星奖学金
本科生课程 水处理工程
1. Wang Z, von dem Bussche A, Kabadi PK, Kane AB, Hurt RH, Biological and Environmental Transformations of Copper-based Nanomaterials, ACS Nano, 7 (10), 8715-8727, 2013
2. Wang Z, Lv X, Chen Y, Liu D, Xu X, Palmore GTR, Hurt RH, Crumpled Graphene Nanoreactors, Nanoscale, 7 (22), 10267-10278, 2015
3. Wang Z, Tonderys D, Leggett SE, Williams EK, Kiani MT, Steinberg RS, Qiu Y, Wong IY, Hurt RH, Wrinkled, Wavelength-Tunable Graphene-based Surface Topographies for Directing Cell Alignment and Morphology, Carbon, 97, 14-24, 2016
4. Wang Z, Zhu W, Qiu Y, Yi X, von dem Bussche A, Kane AB, Gao H, Koski K, Hurt RH, Biological and Environmental Transformations of Novel 2D Nanomaterials, Chemical Society Reviews, 1750-1780, 2016
5. Wang Z, von dem Bussche A, Qiu Y, Valentin T, Kyle G, Kane AB, Hurt RH, Chemical Dissolution Pathways of MoS2 Nanosheets in Biological and Environmental Media, Environmental Science & Technology, 50(13), 7208-7217, 2016
6. Wang Z, Zhang Y, Liu M, Peterson A, and Hurt RH, Oxidation Suppression During Hydrothermal Phase Reversion Allows Synthesis of Monolayer Semiconducting MoS2 in Stable Aqueous Suspension, Nanoscale, 9(17), 5398-5403, 2017
7. Wang Z, Mi B, Environmental Applications of 2D Molybdenum Disulfide (MoS2) Nanosheets, Environmental Science & Technology, 51(15), 8229-8244, 2017
8. Wang Z, Tu Q, Zheng S, Urban JJ, Li S and Mi B, Understanding Aqueous Stability and Filtration Capability of MoS2 Membranes, Nano Letters, 17(11), 7289−7298, 2017
9. Wang Z, Sim A, Urban JJ and Mi B, Understanding the Mechanism in Removal of Heavy Metal Ions by Two-dimensional MoS2 Nanosheets, Environmental Science & Technology, 52(17), 9741-9748, 2018
Co-author publications:
10. Wang D, Wang Z, Zhao P, Zheng W, Peng Q, Liu L, Chen X, Li Y. Rare-Earth Oxide Nanostructures: Rules of Rare-Earth Nitrate Thermolysis in ODA, Chemistry, an Asian Journal, 5 (4), 925, 2010
11. Wang D, Ma X, Wang Y, Wang L, Wang Z, Zheng W, He X, Li J, Peng Q, Li Y, Shape Control of CoO and LiCoO2 Nanocrystals, Nano Research, 3 (1), 1-7, 2010
12. Liu J, Wang Z, Liu FD, Kane AB, Hurt RH. Chemical Transformations of Nanosilver in Biological Environments, ACS Nano, 6 (11), 9887-9899, 2012
13. Lu J, Peng Q, Wang Z, Nan C, Li L, Li Y. Hematite Nanodiscs Exposing (001) Facets: Synthesis, Formation Mechanism and Application for Li-Ion Batteries, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 1 (17), 5232-5237, 2013
14. Qiu Y, Wang Z, Owens ACE, Kulaots I, Chen Y, Kane AB, Hurt RH, Antioxidant Chemistry of Graphene-based Materials and Its Role in Oxidation Protection Technology, Nanoscale, 6 (20), 11744-11755, 2014
15. Chen Y, Wang Z, Qiu Y. Aerosol Synthesis and Application of Folded Graphene-based Materials, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 29 (03), 1530003, 2015
16. Chen P, Sodhi J, Qiu Y, Valentin T, Steinberg R, Wang Z, Hurt RH, Wong IY. Multiscale Graphene Topographies Programmed by Sequential Mechanical Deformation, Advanced Materials, 28(18), 3564-3571, 2016
17. Zhu W, von dem Bussche A, Yi X, Qiu Y, Wang Z, Weston P, Hurt RH, Kane AB, Gao H. Nanomechanical Mechanism For Lipid Bilayer Damage Induced By Carbon Nanotubes Confined In Intracellular Vesicles, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(44), 12374-12379, 2016
18. Lv X, Qiu Y, Wang Z, Jiang G, Chen Y Xu X., Hurt RH. Aerosol Synthesis of Phase-Controlled Iron–Graphene Nanohybrids through FeOOH Nanorod Intermediates. Environmental Science: Nano, 3(5), 1215-1221, 2016
19. Chen P, Liu M, Valentin TM, Wang Z, Spitz Steinberg R, Sodhi J, Wong IY, Hurt RH. Hierarchical Metal Oxide Topographies Replicated from Highly Textured Graphene Oxide by Intercalation Templating, ACS Nano, 10 (12), 10869–10879, 2016
20. Chen P, Liu M, Wang Z, Hurt RH, and Wong IY. Flatland to Spaceland: Higher Dimensional Patterning with Two-Dimensional Materials, Advanced Materials, 29, 1605096, 2017
21. Jin L, Wang Z, Zheng S, Mi B, Polyamide-crosslinked Graphene Oxide Membrane for Forward Osmosis, Journal of Membrane Science, 545, 11-18, 2018
22. Song Z, Qiu F, Zaia EW, Wang Z, Kunz M, Guo J, Brady MA, Mi B, Urban JJ. Dual-Channel, Molecular-Sieving Core/shell ZIF@ MOF Architectures as Engineered Fillers in Hybrid Membranes for Highly Selective CO2 Separation, Nano Letters, 17 (11), 6752–6758, 2017
23. Li, N., Huang, Q., Nie, J., Meng, X., Wang, Z., et al and Lin, L. Dew point measurements using montmorillonite (MTT) and molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) coated QCM sensors. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 279, 122-129, 2019