唐圆圆,女,2004年获中国海洋大学学士学位,2007年获得北京大学硕士学位,2008年入读香港大学并于2012年获得博士学位,2012年9月毕业后在在该课题组从事博士后研究工作,直至2014年9月入职南方科技大学。研究方向集中于固废污染防控及资源化、典型固废环境影响等方面。迄今共主持科研课题7项,包括国家自然科学基金面上项目和青年基金项目、深圳市基础研究重点项目和自由探索项目等,主持教学课题2项,主要参与科技部重点研发计划等科研课题8项。共发表SCI学术论文68篇,参编论著2部,包括以第一及通讯作者在环境领域高水平期刊Environ. Sci. Tech.、Water Res. 等发表SCI论文47篇 (封面文章4篇,1篇论文同时入选ESI高被引论文和热点论文)。申请专利14项,其中有2项实现技术转移。担任SCI期刊Environ. Geochem. Hlth.副主编及Waste Manage. Res.编委,担任深圳市水污染治理攻坚决战青年先锋队队长。发起并承办“第一届粤港两地环境材料学术交流会”,担任广东省化学学会第八届环境化学专业委员会委员及多个国际和国内学术大会分会场主席及专业委员会成员。获广东省杰青、深圳市2020年度市科技进步奖一等奖(排名第五)、“香港工程师学会青年工程师/研究员优秀论文奖”、市“海外高层次人才”、校“年度青年教授”、“优秀青年科研奖”、“优秀教学奖”、“优秀书院导师”等荣誉。
9/2008-8/2012 香港大学,土木工程系,环境工程博士
9/2004-7/2007 北京大学,城市与环境学院,生态学硕士
9/2000-7/2004 中国海洋大学,环境科学与工程学院,环境科学学士
12/2020-目前 南方科技大学,副教授(研究员)
9/2014-12/2020 南方科技大学,助理教授(副研究员)
9/2012- 2014/8 香港大学,博士后研究助理
7/2007-7/2008 中国资源综合利用协会能源资源综合利用委员会 ,秘书长助理
Environmental Geochemistry and Health 副主编
Waste Management & Research编委
“15th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology”分会召集人、分会主席,2020年
“10th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology”分会主席,2015年
“The 9th Asia-Pacific Landfill Symposium—Integrated Waste Management and Sustainable Landfilling (APALS 2016)”分会主席,2016年
“The 2nd International Conference on Biological Waste as Resource 2017 (BWR2017)”分会主席及专家委员会成员,2017年
“The 3rd International Conference on Biological Waste as Resource 2018 (BWR2018)”分会主席及专家委员会成员,2018年
Guangdong-HK Environmental Materials Workshop, 发起人,会议主席,2015年
担任Environmental Science and Technology、Water Research、Waste Management、ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering等十几个环境领域权威期刊审稿人
“深圳市水环境污染的综合治理与生态修复”,孔雀团队项目,深圳市科技创新委员会,2017.01- 2021.12,¥3000万;核心成员,排序第三。
“变废为宝:废旧锂离子电池的贵金属回收应用于高容量微纳结构电极材料的再生”,香港环境及自然保育基金,2017.05-2019.04,HK$ 45.43万(港币),共同负责人,排序第三。完成
南方科技大学“优秀教学奖” (2016)
深圳市海外高层次人才 ,中国(2014)
中国海洋大学一等奖学金,中国 (2000-2004每学年)
中国海洋大学三好学生,中国 (2000-2004每学年)
1. Zhong, G.; Liu, Y.; Tang, Y.* Oyster shell powder for Pb(II) immobilization in both aquatic and sediment environments. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2020, DOI: 10.1007/s10653-020-00768-z.
2. Wu, P.; Tang, Y.*; Jin, H.; Cao, G.; Li, J.; Wang, S.; Chang, X.; Dang, M.; Jin, H.; Cai, Z.* Determination of Environmental Micro-(nano-)plastics by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry, 2020, 92, 21, 14346–14356. (Nature Index Journal, Highlighted as front cover).
3. Tan, L.; Liu, Y.; Meng, F.; Wu, P.; Xia, Y.; Tang, Y.* 3D hierarchical defect-rich C@MoS2 nanosheet arrays developed on montmorillonite with enhanced performance on Pb(II) removal. Environmental Science: Nano, 2020,7, 3088-3099.
4. Singh, N.; Tang, Y.*; Zhang, Z.; Zheng C. COVID-19 waste management: Effective and successful measures in Wuhan, China. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 2020, 163: 105071.
5. Wang, Z.; Xu Z.; Qiu, D.; Chu, Y.; Tang, Y.* Beneficial utilization of Al/Si/O-rich solid wastes for environment-oriented ceramic membranes. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 401:123427.
6. Singh, N.*; Ogunseitan, O.A.; Tang, Y.* Systematic review of pregnancy and neonatal health outcomes associated with exposure to e-waste. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 2020 (9). DOI: 10.1080/10643389.2020.1788913
7. Wu, P.; Tang, Y.*; Jin, H.; Song, Y.; Liu, Y.; Cai, Z.* Consequential Fate of Bisphenol-Attached PVC Microplastics in Water and Simulated Intestinal Fluids. Environmental Science and Ecotechnology, 2020 (2): 100027.
8. Singh, N.; Duan, H.; Tang, Y.* Toxicity Evaluation of E-waste Plastics and Potential Repercussions for Human Health. Environmental International, 2020, 137: 105559. (Q1, IF: 7.943)
9. Shen, T.; Tang, Y.*; Li, Y.J.*, Liu, Y., Hu, H. An experimental study about the effects of phosphorus loading in river sediment on the transport of lead and cadmium at sediment-water interface. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 720: 137535. (Q1, IF: 5.589)
10. Wang, P.; Shen, T.; Li, X.*; Tang, Y.*; Li, Y. Magnetic Mesoporous Calcium Carbonate-Based Nanocomposites for the Removal of Toxic Pb(II) and Cd(II) Ions from Water. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2020, 3(2), 1272-1281.
11. Ma, W.; Meng, F.; Qiu, D.; Tang, Y.* Co-stabilization of Pb/Cu/Zn by beneficial utilization of sewage sludge incineration ash: Effects of heavy metal type and content. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 2020, 156: 104671. (Q1, IF: 7.044)
12. Wu, P.; Tang, Y.*; Dang, M.; Wang, S.; Jin, H.; Liu, Y.; Jing, H.; Zheng, C.; Yi, S.; Cai, Z.* Spatial-Temporal Distribution of Microplastics in Surface Water and Sediments of Maozhou River within Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 717,135187. (Q1, IF: 5.589)
13. Xia, Y.; Tang, Y.*; Shih, K.; Li, B. Enhanced Phosphorus Availability and Heavy Metal Removal by Chlorination during Sewage Sludge Pyrolysis. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 382: 121110. (Q1, IF: 7.65)
14. Ma, W.; Tang, Y.*; Wu, P.; Xia, Y. Sewage sludge incineration ash for coimmobilization of lead, zinc and copper: Mechanisms of metal incorporation and competition. Waste Management, 2019, 99, 102-111. (Q1, IF: 5.431)
15. Liu, Y.; Tang, Y.*; Wang, P.; Zeng, H. Carbonaceous halloysite nanotubes for the stabilization of Co, Ni, Cu and Zn in river sediments. Environmental Science: Nano, 2019, 6, 2420-2428 (Highlighted as back cover). (Q1, IF: 7.704).
16. Wu, F.#; Tang, Y.#; Lu, X.; Liu, C.; Lv, Y.; Tong, H.; Ning, Z.; Liao, C.; Li, F. Simultaneous immobilization of Zn(II) and Cr(III) in Spinel Crystals from Beneficial Unitization of Waste Brownfield Site Soils. Clays and Clay Minerals, 2019,67 (4), 315-324.
17. Tang, Y.*; Shen, T.; Meng, Z. A Kinetic Study on the Mechanisms of Metal Leaching from the Top Surface Layer of Copper Aluminates and Copper Ferrites. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2019, 41, 2491–2503 (Q1, IF: 2.994)
18. Liu, Y.; Tang, Y.*; Zhong, G.; Zeng, H. A comparison study on heavy metal/metalloid stabilization in Maozhou River sediment by five types of amendments. Journal of Soils and Sediments 2019, 19, 3922–3933. (Q2, IF: 2.669)
19. Wang, Z.; Liang, K.; Chan, S.-W.; Tang, Y.* Fabrication of Nano CuAl2O4 Spinel for Copper Stabilization and Antibacterial Application. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2019, 371(5), 550-557. (Q1, IF: 7.65)
20. Wang, Z.; Tang, Y.*; Wang, T.; Liang, K. Nano CuAl2O4 Spinel Mineral as A Novel Antibacterial Agent for PVDF Membrane Modification with Minimized Copper Leachability. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2019, 368(15), 421-428. (Q1, IF: 7.65)
21. Wang, T.; Wang, Z.; Wang, P.; Tang, Y.*An Integration of Photo-Fenton and Membrane Process for Water Treatment by a PVDF@CuFe2O4 Catalytic Membrane. Journal of Membrane Science 2019, 572, 419-427. (Q1, IF: 7.015)
22. Wu, P.; Cai, Z.*; Jin, H.; Tang, Y.* Adsorption mechanisms of five bisphenol analogues on PVC microplastics. Science of the Total Environment 2019, 650, 671-678. (Q1, IF: 5.589) Highly cited paper (Web of Science)
23. Tang, Y.*; Zheng, X.; Wu, P.; Ma, W. Residues from Sewage Sludge Incineration for Ceramic Products with Potential for Zinc Stabilization. Waste Management 2018, 82, 188-197. (Q1, IF: 5.431)
24. Wang, P.; Tang, Y.*; Liu, Y.; Wang, T.; Wu, P.; Lu, X.-Y. Halloysite nanotube@carbon with rich carboxyl group as a multifunctional adsorbent for the efficient removal of cationic Pb(II), anionic Cr(VI) and methylene blue (MB). Environmental Science: Nano 2018, 5, 2257-2268 (Highlighted as front cover). (Q1, IF: 7.704)
25. Tang, Y.*; Xin, X.; Shih, K.; Wang, Z. Effect of Crystal Size on Zinc Stabilization in Aluminum-rich Ceramic Matrix. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 2018, 20, 2110–2116. (Q3, IF: 1.693)
26. Li, M.; Tang, Y.*; Lu X.-Y.; Zhang Z.; Cao Y. Phosphorus speciation in sewage sludge and the sludge-derived biochar by a combination of experimental methods and theoretical simulation Water Research 2018, 140, 90-99. (Nature Index Journal, Q1, IF: 7.913)
27. Wang, Z.; Tang, Y.*; Li, B.* Bicontinuous and cellular structure design of PVDF membranes by using binary solvents for the membrane distillation process. RSC Advances 2018, 8, 25159–25167. (Q2, IF: 2.936)
28. Shen, T.; Tang, Y.*; Lu, X.-Y.; Meng, Z. Mechanisms of Copper Stabilization by Mineral Constituents in Sewage Sludge Biochar. Journal of Cleaner Production 2018, 193, 185-193. (Q1, IF: 6.395)
29. Wu, P.; Tang, Y.*; Cai, Z. Dual role of coal fly ash in copper ion adsorption followed by thermal stabilization in a spinel solid solution. RSC Advances 2018, 8, 8805-8812. (Q2, IF: 2.936)
30. Li, M.; Tang, Y.*; Ren, N.; Zhang, Z.; Cao Y. Effect of Mineral Constituents on Temperature-Dependent Structural Characterization of Carbon Fractions in Sewage Sludge-Derived Biochar. Journal of Cleaner Production 2018, 172, 3342-3350. (Q1, IF: 6.395)
31. Ren N.; Tang, Y.*; Li M. Mineral Additive Enhanced Carbon Retention and Stabilization in Sewage Sludge-derived Biochar. Process Safety and Environmental Protection 2018, 115, 70-78. (Q1, IF: 3.441)
32. Wang, Z.; Tang Y.*; Li, B. Excellent Wetting Resistance and Anti-fouling Performance of PVDF Membrane Modified with Superhydrophobic Papillae-like Surfaces. Journal of Membrane Science 2017, 540, 401-410. (Q1, IF: 7.015)
33. Tang, Y.*; Shih K.; Liu C.; Liao C. Cubic and Tetragonal Ferrite Crystal Structures for Copper Ion Immobilization in an Iron-rich Ceramic Matrix. RSC Advances 2016, 6, 28579–28585. (Q2, IF: 2.936)
34. Liao, C.; Tang, Y. (Co-first author); Liu C.; Shih K.; Li F. Double-Barrier Mechanism for Chromium Immobilization: Aquantitative Study of Crystallization and Leachability. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2016, 311, 246-253. (Q1, IF: 7.65)
35. Wang, B.; Tang, Y.*; Lu, X.-Y.*; Fung, S. L.; Wong, K. Y.; Au, W. K.; Wu, P. Rectangular Co3O4 with Micro-/nanoarchitectures: Charge-driven PDDA-assisted Synthesis and Excellent Lithium Storage Performance. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2016, 18, 4911-4923. (Q2, IF: 3.906)
36. Wang, B.; Lu, X.-Y.*; Tang, Y.*; Ben, W. General Polyethyleneimine‐Mediated Synthesis of Ultrathin Hexagonal Co3O4 Nanosheets with Reactive Facets for Lithium‐Ion Batteries. ChemElectroChem 2016, 3, 55-65. Highlighted as front cover. (Q2, IF:4.446)
37. Tang, Y.*; Shih, K.; Li, M.; Wu, P. Zinc Immobilization in Simulated Aluminum-rich Waterworks Sludge Systems. Procedia Environmental Sciences 2016, 31, 691-697.
38. Wang, B.; Lu, X.-Y.*; Tang, Y.* Synthesis of Snowflake-shaped Co3O4 with a High Aspect Ratio as a High Capacity Anode Material for Lithium Ion Batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2015, 3, 9689-9699. (Q1, IF:9.931)
39. Tang, Y.*; Shih, K. Beneficially Utilize Aluminum and Iron Components in Sludge Incineration Residues for Ceramic Materials. “The HKIE Outstanding Paper Award for Young Engineers/Researchers 2014”, HKIE Transactions, 2014, 21: 223-231.
40. Tang, Y.; Lu, X.; Shih, K. Alumina Polymorphs Affect the Metal Immobilization Effect when Beneficially Using Copper-Bearing Electroplating Sludge for Ceramics. Chemosphere 2014, 117, 575-581. (Q1, IF:5.089)
41. Tang, Y.; Liu, C.; Shih, K. Beneficial Metal Stabilization Mechanisms Using Simulated Sludge Incineration Ash for Ceramic Products. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology 2014, 89, 536-543. (Q2, IF:2.587)
42. Tang, Y.; Chan, S.-W.; Shih, K. Copper Stabilization in Beneficial Use of Waterworks Sludge and Copper-laden Electroplating Sludge for Ceramic Materials. Waste Management 2014, 34, 1085-1091. (Q1, IF: 5.431)
43. Tang, Y.; Shih, K. Mechanisms of Zinc Incorporation in Aluminosilicate Crystalline Structures and the Leaching Behaviour of Product Phases. Environmental Technology 2014, 36, 2977-2986. (Q3, IF: 1.666)
44. Tang, Y.; Lee, P.-H.; Shih, K. Copper Sludge from Printed Circuit Board Production/Recycling for Ceramic Materials: A Quantitative Analysis of Copper Transformation and Immobilization. Environmental Science & Technology 2013, 47, 8609-8615. (Q1, IF: 7.149)
45. Tang, Y.; Shih, K. Stabilization Mechanisms and Reaction Sequences for Sintering Simulated Copper-Laden Sludge with Alumina. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2013, 1, 1239-1245. (Q1, IF: 6.97)
46. Tang, Y.; Shih, K.; Wang, Y.; Chong, T.-C. Zinc Stabilization Efficiency of Aluminate Spinel Structure and its Leaching Behavior. Environmental Science & Technology 2011, 45, 10544-10550. (Q1, IF: 7.149)
47. Tang, Y.; Chui, S. S.-Y.; Shih, K.; Zhang, L. Copper Stabilization via Spinel Formation during the Sintering of Simulated Copper-Laden Sludge with Aluminum-Rich Ceramic Precursors. Environmental Science & Technology 2011, 45, 3598-3604. (Q1, IF: 7.149)
48. Tang, Y.; Shih, K.; Chan, K. Copper Aluminate Spinel in the Stabilization and Detoxification of Simulated Copper-Laden Sludge. Chemosphere 2010, 80, 275-380. (Q1, IF: 5.108)
49. Cheng, Y.W.; Chong, C.C.; Lam, M.K.; Ayoub, M.; Cheng, C.K.; Lim, J.W.; Yusup, S.; Tang, Y.; Bai, J. Holistic process evaluation of non-conventional palm oil mill effluent (POME) treatment technologies: A conceptual and comparative review. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2020, 124964.
50. Liu, H.-B.; Liu, S.-J.; He, X.-S.; Dang, F.; Tang, Y.; Xi, B.-D.. Effects of landfill refuse on the reductive dechlorination of pentachlorophenol and speciation transformation of heavy metals. Science of The Total Environment 2020, 144122.
51. Cheng, Y.W.; Chong, C.C.; Lam, M.K.; Leong, W.H.; Chuah, L.F.; Yusup, S.; Setiabudi, H.D.; Tang, Y.; Lim, J.W. Identification of microbial inhibitions and mitigation strategies towards cleaner bioconversions of palm oil mill effluent (POME): A review. 2020, Journal of Cleaner Production 2020, 280: 124346
52. Singh, N.; Tang, Y.; Ogunseitan, O.A.* Environmentally sustainable management of used personal protective equipment. Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54, 14,8500-8502.
53. Singh, N.; Tang, Y.; Li, J. Uncovering material flow analysis of waste cathode ray tubes television in China. Waste Management & Research 2019, 37, 1170-1177. (Q3, IF:2.015)
54. Wang, B.; Wang, S.; Tang, Y.; Ji, Y.; Liu, W.; Lu, X.-Y. Hydrothermal Synthesis of Mesoporous Co3O4 Nanorods as High Capacity Anode Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries. Energy Procedia 2019 158, 5293-5298.
55. Fei, Y.; Zhao, D.; Liu, Y.; Zhang, W.; Tang, Y.; Huang, X.; Wu, Q.; Wang, Y.; Xiao, T.; Liu C. Feasibility of sewage sludge derived hydrochars for agricultural application: Nutrients (N, P, K) and potentially toxic elements (Zn, Cu, Pb, Ni, Cd). Chemosphere 2019, 236, 124841 (Q1, IF: 5.108)
56. Wang, B.; Wang, S.; Tang, Y.; Tsang, C.-W.; Dai, J.; Leung, M.K.H.; Lu, X.-Y. Micro/nanostructured MnCo2O4.5 anodes with high reversible capacity and excellent rate capability for next generation lithium-ion batteries. Applied Energy 2019, 252, 113452. (Q1, IF: 8.426)
57. Singh, N.; Duan, H.; Ogunseitan, O.A.; Li, J.; Tang, Y. Toxicity trends in E-Waste: A comparative analysis of metals in discarded mobile phones. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2019, 368(15), 421-428. (Q1, IF: 7.65)
58. Wang, B.; Lin, X.-Y.; Tang, Y.; Wang, Q.; Leung, M.K.H.; Lu, X.-Y. Recycling LiCoO2 with methanesulfonic acid for regeneration of lithium-ion battery electrode materials. Journal of Power Sources, 2019, 436: 226828. (Q1, IF: 7.65)
59. Wang, B.; Tsang, C.-W.; Li, K.H.; Tang, Y.; Mao, Y.; Lu, X.-Y. Synthesis of Sea Urchin-like NiCo2O4 via Charge-driven Self-assembly Strategy for High Performance Lithium-ion Batteries. Nanoscale Research Letters 2019, 14, 6 (Q2, IF: 3.125)
60. Tang, S.; Tang, Y.; Zheng, C.; Zhang, Z*. Alkali metal-driven release behaviors of volatiles during sewage sludge pyrolysis. Journal of Cleaner Production 2018, 203, 860-872. (Q1, IF: 6.395)
61. Tang, S.; Zheng, C.; Yan, F.; Shao, N.; Tang, Y. Zhang, Z. Product Characteristics and Kinetics of Sewage Sludge Pyrolysis Driven by Alkaline Earth Metals. Energy 2018, 153, 921-932. (Q1, IF: 4.968)
62. Wang, B.; Lu, X.-Y.; Tsang, C.-W.; Wang, Y.; Au, W.K.; Guo, H.; Tang, Y. Charge-driven Self-assembly Synthesis of Straw-sheaf-like Co3O4 with Superior Cyclability and Rate Capability for Lithium-ion Batteries. Chemical Engineering Journal 2018, 338, 278-286. (Q1, IF: 6.735)
63. Liao, C.-Z.; Tang, Y.; Lee, P.-H.; Liu, C.; Shih, K.; Li, F. Detoxification and Immobilization of Chromite Ore Processing Residue in Spinel-based Glass-ceramic. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2017, 321, 449-455. (Q1, IF: 7.65)
64. Wang, B.; Lu, X.Y.; Wong, K.Y.; Tang, Y. Facile Solvothermal Synthesis and Superior Lithium Storage Capability of Co3O4 nanoflowers with multi-scale dimensions. Materials Chemistry Frontiers 2017, 1, 468-476. (IF: 6.788)
65. Shih, K.; Tang, Y.; Lu, X.; Liao, C. Quantitative X-Ray Diffraction Technique for Evaluating the Stabilization of Hazardous Metals in Ceramic Products. Acta Minalogica Sinica 2013, 33, S1, 81.
66. Shih, K.; Tang, Y. Prolonged Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure for Nickel and Copper Aluminates. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 2011, 13, 829-835. (now as: Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, Q2, IF:2.491).
67. Shih, K.; Tang, Y. Incorporating Simulated Zinc Ash by Kaolinite- and Sludge-Based Ceramics: Phase Transformation and Product Leachability. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering 2012, 20, 411-416. (Q3, IF:1.712)
68. Shen, Z.; Tang, Y.; Lv, N.; Zhao, J.; Li, D.; Wang, G. Community Dynamics of Seed Rain in Mixed Evergreen Broad-leaved and Deciduous Forests in a Subtropical Mountain of Central China. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 2007, 49, 1294-1303. (Q2, IF:3.129)
69. Tang, Y.; Shih, K. Applying Kaolinite-Mullite Reaction Series to Immobilize Toxic Metals in Environment. In Kaolinite: Occurrences, Characteristics and Applications, Nova Science Publishers, 2012.
70. Tang, Y.*; Wu, P.; Shih, K., Liao C. Industrial Sludge for Ceramic Products and its Benefit for Metal Stabilization, In Industrial and Municipal Sludges: Emerging Concerns and Scope for Resource Recovery. Elsevier, 2019.4
71. Singh, N.; Tang, Y.*; Wong, M.H.* Sustainable bio-based approaches to COVID-19-led plastic pollution. npj Urban Sustainability, under review.
72. Wu, R.; Han, Z.; Chen, H.; Cao, G.; Shen, T.; Cheng, X.*; Tang, Y.* Magnesium-Functionalized Ferro Metal-Carbon Nanocomposite (Mg-FeMeC) for Efficient Uranium Extraction from Natural Seawater. Environmental Science & Technology, under review.
73. Meng, F.; Xia, Y.; Zhang, J.; Qiu, D.; Chu, Y. Tang, Y.* The functions of spinel structure in Cu/Cr co-stabilization mechanisms during thermal processes. Waste Management, under review.
74. Tang, Y.* Sewage sludge incineration residues as ceramic raw materials for metal co-stabilization. 17th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium (Sardinia 2019), Italy, 30, September-4 October, 2019.
75. 唐圆圆. 基于矿相调控的无机固废重金属稳定化机理. 第十届全国环境化学大会. 天津, 中国. 2019年8月15-19.
76. Tang, Y.*; Liu, Y.; Wang, P. Mineral-based Amendments for Heavy Metal Stabilization in River Sediments. International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry. Beijing, China. 7-10, August, 2019.
77. Tang, Y.* The 5th International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Health, Harbin, China, 4-6 August, 2019.
78. Tang, Y.*; Ma, W. Sewage sludge incineration residues as ceramic raw materials for metal co-stabilization. 2019 International Conference on Resource Sustainability - Cities (icRS Cities 2019) July 1-3, 2019. Adelaide, Australia.
79. Tang, Y.* Speciation and Availability of Phosphorous in the Sewage Sludge Pyrolyzed Biochar. The 3rd International Conference on Bioresources, Energy. Environment, and Materials Technology (BEEM 2019). 12-15 June, 2019.
80. 唐圆圆. 河道底泥中的微塑料分布及其与污染物的相互作用关系. 第二届全国环境(海洋)微塑料污染与管控学术研讨会. 南京, 中国. 2019年6月4-6日.
81. 唐圆圆. 矿物组分对污泥生物炭结构的影响机制及其在土壤修复中的潜在应用. 2019年全国有机固废处理与资源化利用研讨会. 合肥, 中国. 2019年5月9-10日.
82. 唐圆圆, 吴鹏飞, 蔡宗苇. 双酚类物质吸附后微塑料的释放行为及生物有效性. 第六届全国生态毒理学大会. 广州, 中国. 2019年4月26-29日.
83. Tang, Y.*; Xia, Y. Phosphorous Speciation and Recovery of the Sewage Sludge Pyrolyzed Biochar. Presented as invited talk at the 3rd International Conference on Biological Waste as Resource 2018 (BWR2018), Hong Kong, China, 17-19 December, 2018.
84. Tang, Y.*; Ren, N.; Li, M.; Shen, T. Effect of Minerals on Temperature-dependent Properties of Sewage Sludge Biochar. 7th International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste (Venice 2018), Venice, Italy, 15-18 October, 2018.
85. Tang, Y.*; Ma, W.; Meng, Z.; Wu, P. Co-sintering Hazardous Industrial Sludge and Incinerated Sewage Sludge Residues for Ceramics and the Effect on Heavy Metal Stabilization. 6th International Conference on Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management (Crete 2018), Chania, Crete, Greece, 4-7, September, 2018
86. Tang, Y.*; Li, M.; Xia, Y.; Li, B. Potential of Sewage Sludge Pyrolyzed Biochar as Soil Amendment: Phosphorous Speciation and Recovery. Presented at the 256th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Boston, MA, USA, 19-23, August, 2018.
87. Tang, Y.*; Ma, W.; Wu, P.; Lv, Z. Co-stabilization of Zn, Pb, and Cu in Low-temperature Ceramics from Contaminated Land and Sewage Sludge Incineration Residues. Presented at the 4th International Conference on Contaminated Land, Ecological Assessment and Remediation 2018 (CLEAR2018), Hong Kong, China, 16-18, August, 2018.
88. Liu, Y.; Tang, Y.*; Zeng H. A comparison of five amendments for in situ immobilization of heavy metal-polluted river sediments. Presented at the 4th International Conference on Contaminated Land, Ecological Assessment and Remediation 2018 (CLEAR2018), Hong Kong, China, 16-18, August, 2018.
89. Xia, Y.; Li, B.; Lv, Z.; Tang, Y.*; Shih, K. Effects of Chlorination on Heavy Metals Removal and Phosphorus Plant Availability in Sewage Sludge Biochar, Presented at the 4th International Conference on Contaminated Land, Ecological Assessment and Remediation 2018 (CLEAR2018), Hong Kong, China, 16-18, August, 2018.
90. Meng, Z.; Shih, K.; Tang, Y.*. A quantitative study on the immobilization and detoxification of copper by aluminate spinel. Poster at 2018 International Conference on Resource Sustainability (icRS 2018). China, Beijing, 27-29 June, 2018.
91. Tang, Y.*; Shen, T.; Meng. Z.; Lu, X.-Y. Mineral constituents of sewage sludge biochar for copper adsorption and followed thermal stabilization. Presented at the 2nd International Conference on Bioresources, Energy, Environment, and Materials Technology (BEEM 2018): Technology Nexus for the Resonance of Nature and Humankind, Korea, 10-13 June, 2018.
92. Wu P.; Tang Y.*; Cai Z.*. Adsorption/Desorption behavior of five bisphenols on polyvinyl chloride microplastics. Presented at the 4th International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Health, Nankai University, Tianjing, China, 18-20, May, 2018.
93. Wu P.; Cai Z.*; Tang Y.*. Microplastics as Vectors for Environmental Contaminants: Exploring Adsorption, Desorption, and Mixture Toxicity. Presented at the 1st National Symposium on Pollution and Control of Microplastics in the Marinal Environment. Zhejiang University of Technology, Zhejiang, China, 7-10, June, 2018.
94. Tang, Y.*; Zheng, X.; Wu, P. Beneficially utilization of sewage sludge incineration ash for thermal immobilization of zinc in spinel structure. Presented at 16th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium (Sardinia 2017), Italy, 2-6 October, 2017.
95. Tang, Y.*; Shen, T.; Li, M.; Ren N. Structure Characterization of Sewage Sludge-Derived Biochar for Copper Ion Adsorption. Presented as invited talk at the 2nd International Conference on Biological Waste as Resource 2017 (BWR2017), Hong Kong, China, 25-28 May, 2017.
96. Zheng, X.; Tang, Y.*; Wu, P. Spinel solid solution for zinc stabilization when thermally treated sewage sludge ash as ceramic raw materials. Presented at the 3rd International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Health, Guangzhou, China, 12-14 May, 2017.
97. Wang, Z.; Tang, Y.*; Li, B.; Chen, W. Preparation of Polyvinylidene fluoride hollow fiber membranes with bicontinuous porous structure and its membrane distillation property. Presented at the International Conference on Engineering with Membrane (EWM 2017), Singapore, 26-28 April, 2017.
98. Tang, Y.*; Wu, P.; Zheng, X.; Zhang, S. Phase Identification in Copper-Enriched Fly Ash during Thermal Treatment and its Role for Copper Immobilization. Presented at the 9th Asia-Pacific Landfill Symposium-Integrated Waste Management and Sustainable Landfilling (APLAS 2016), Hong Kong, China, 9-11 November, 2016.
99. Wang, Z.; Tang, Y.*; Li, B.; Chen, W. Preparation of Hydrophobic PVDF Membrane and its Application in Membrane Distillation Process. Presented at the 9th Asia-Pacific Landfill Symposium-Integrated Waste Management and Sustainable Landfilling (APLAS 2016), Hong Kong, China, 9-11 November, 2016.
100. Ren, N.; Tang, Y.*; Li, M. Effects of Different Mineral Addition on Properties of Sewage Sludge-Derived Biochar. Presented at the 9th Asia-Pacific Landfill Symposium-Integrated Waste Management and Sustainable Landfilling (APLAS 2016), Hong Kong, China, 9-11 November, 2016.
101. Li, M.; Tang, Y.*; Cao, Y.; Zheng, X.; Pei, Y.; Zhang, S. Effect of CO2 Atmosphere on Leaching of Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metallic (AAEM) Speciesand Cu(II) Sorption by Biochar. Presented at the 9th Asia-Pacific Landfill Symposium-Integrated Waste Management and Sustainable Landfilling (APLAS 2016), Hong Kong, China, 9-11 November, 2016.
102. Pei, Y.; Li, M.; Tang, Y.* Leaching Behavior of Lithium-Ion Batteries Cathode Materials by Organic Acid. Poster at the 9th Asia-Pacific Landfill Symposium-Integrated Waste Management and Sustainable Landfilling (APLAS 2016), Hong Kong, China, 9-11 November, 2016.
103. Tang, Y.; Liu, C.; Shih, K. Stabilized Nickel and Copper in a Ceramic Matrix and Their Leaching Behavior. Presented at the Geo-Chicago Conference-Sustainability, Energy, and the Geoenvironment (Geo-Chicago), Chicago, U.S.A., 14-18 August, 2016.
104. Tang, Y.*; Shih, K.; Li, M.; Wu P. The Stabilization of Heavy Metals in Glass-Ceramics Fabricated by Incinerated Ash of Waterworks Sludge. Presented at the Tenth International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (ICWMT), Mianyang, Sichuan, China, 28-30 October, 2015.
105. Tang, Y.*; Shih, K. Immobilization and Detoxification of Metal-Laden Sludge When Beneficially Used as Ceramic Materials. Presented at the 2nd Symposium of International Waste Working Group Asian Regional Branch (IWWG-ARB), Tongji University, Shanghai, China, 13-14 April, 2015.
106. Tang, Y.; Shih, K. Quantitative Analysis of Copper Transformation and Immobilization during “Waste-to-Resource” Processes. Poster at the 21st Annual Conference of Hong Kong Institution of Science, Hong Kong, 23 November, 2013.
107. Tang, Y.; Shih, K. Using Al/Fe Rich Sludge Residues from Water and Wastewater Treatment Processes to Immobilize Copper Electroplating Waste. Presented at the 2nd International Conference on Solid Waste 2013: Innovation in Technology and Management (ICSWHK 2013), Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, 5-9 May, 2013.
108. Tang, Y.; Shih, K.; Fang, H.H.P. Mechanisms of Stabilizing Hazardous Metals through Thermal Reactions with Clay Materials. Presented at the 15th Mainland-Taiwan Environmental Protection Conference, Guilin, China, 3-4 November, 2012.
109. Tang, Y.; Shih, K. Zinc Stabilization during the Sintering of Simulated Zinc-Laden Sludge with Aluminum-Rich Ceramic Precursors. Presented at the 14th Mainland-Taiwan Environmental Protection Conference, Tainan, Taiwan, 5-6 November, 2011.
110. Tang, Y.; Shih, K.; Zhang, L. Copper Stabilization and Detoxication via Copper Aluminate Spinel Formation. Presented at International Conference and Workshops of the Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health (SEGH) on Environmental Quality and Human Health, Galway, Ireland, 27 June- 02 July, 2010.
111. Tang, Y.; Shih, K.; Lu, X.; Zhang, L. Potential of Using Copper Aluminate Spinel to Stabilize Copper-Bearing Sludge. Presented at the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Asia/Pacific Annual Meeting, Guangzhou, China, 4-7 June 2010.
112. Tang, Y.; Shih, K. Copper Stabilization and Detoxification of by Aluminate Spinel. Presented at the 13th Mainland-Taiwan Environmental Protection Conference, Chongqing, China, 2010.
113. Shih, K.; Tang, Y. Quantitative X-Ray Diffraction (QXRD) Technique for Waste Beneficial Uses and Resources Recovery Technologies. Presented at International Conference on Solid Wastes 2015: Knowledge Transfer for Sustainable Resource Management (ICSWHK2015), Hong Kong, 19-23 May, 2015.
114. Shih, K.; Tang, Y. Leaching Behavior and Stabilization Mechanisms of Nickel and Copper in Ceramic Matrix. Presented at The 247th American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting, Dallas, 16-20 March, 2014.
115. Shih, K.; Tang, Y. A “Waste-to-Resource” Method on Using Waste Aluminum and Iron in Sludge as Ceramic Materials. Accepted by SUM 2014, Second Symposium on Urban Mining, Old Monastery of St Augustine, Bergamo, Italy, 19-21 May, 2014.
116. Shih, K.; Tang, Y.; Liao, C. Metal Stabilization Mechanisms in the Beneficial Use of Ash/Sludge Residues for Ceramic Products. Presented at SARDINIA 2013, The 14th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Cagliari, Italy, 30 September-4 October, 2013.
117. Shih, K.; Tang, Y. Copper Stabilization in Beneficial Use of Waterworks Sludge and Copper-laden Electroplating Sludge for Ceramic Materials. Presented at the 1st Asian Regional Branch of International Waste Working Group (IWWG-ARB) Symposium, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, 18-21 March, 2013.
118. Shih, K.; Tang, Y. Beneficial Utilization of Waterworks Sludge for Zinc Stabilization. Presented at the 27th International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 11-14 March 2012.
119. Shih, K.; Tang, Y.; Liao, C. How Hazardous Metals are Stabilized through the Thermal Reaction with Clay Materials? Presented at SARDINIA 2011, The 13th International Waste Management, Cagliari, Italy, 3-7 October, 2011.
120. Shih, K.; Tang, Y.; Liao, C. Transform Nickel and Copper in Waste Solids into Spinel Structures. Presented at The 6th International Symposium on Chemical-Environmental-Biomedical Technology, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 4-7 September, 2011.
121. Shih, K.; Tang, Y.; Liao, C. Phase Transformation of Metals in Reusing Sludge for Ceramic Products: Examples of Nickel and Copper. Global Sustainability and Environmental Engineering & Science: Implications for Research, Education and Practice, Tampa, Florida, 10-12 July, 2011.
122. Shih, K.; Tang, Y.; Liao, C. Potential Beneficial Uses of Water Treatment Sludge Incineration Ash in Hong Kong, Presented at the 26th International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 27-30 March 2011.
123. Shih, K.; Tang, Y.; Liao, C. Stabilize Nickel and Copper in Ceramic Matrix: Phase Transformation and Product Leachability, Presented at the 26th International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 27-30 March 2011.
124. Shih, K.; Tang, Y.; Wang, Y.; He, Y.; Jiang, X. Stabilized Nickel Phases via Aluminum- and Iron-Rich Ceramic Precursors. Presented at the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Asia/Pacific Annual Meeting, Guangzhou, China, 4-7 June 2010.
125. 唐圆圆. 基于物相调控的固废重金属结构稳定化. 第十五届固体废物管理与技术国际会议(ICMWT15). 在线. 2020年6月28-30日.
126. 唐圆圆. 固废资源化过程中重金属迁移转化及稳定化机理. 第一届固体废物污染控制化学会议. 广州, 中国. 2019年12月6-8日.
127. Tang, Y. Heavy Metal Stabilization in Mineral-based Solid Matrices. Presented as invited lecture at Politecnico Milano, Italy, 04 October, 2019.
128. Tang, Y. Phosphorous Speciation and Recovery of the Sewage Sludge Pyrolyzed Biochar Presented as invited talk at the 3rd International Conference on Biological Waste as Resource 2018 (BWR2018), Hong Kong, China, 17-19 December, 2018.
129. 唐圆圆. 主题报告:污泥矿物组分对污泥生物炭结构的影响机制及其在土壤修复中的应用, 2018年中国土壤学会土壤化学专业学术研讨会, 贵阳,2018年10月29日-11月2日.
130. Tang, Y. Recrystallization Mechanisms for Heavy Metal Stabilization during the Thermal Treatment of the Metal-Laden Wastes, University of Macau, Macau, China, 3 August, 2018.
131. Tang, Y. Application of Environmental Materials in Solid Waste Management. Presented as keynote talk at the 2nd Guangdong-HK Environmental Materials Workshop in 2017, Guangzhou, China, 24-25 November, 2017.
132. Tang, Y.; Shen, T.; Li, M.; Ren N. Structure Characterization of Sewage Sludge-Derived Biochar for Copper Ion Adsorption. Presented as invited talk at the 2nd International Conference on Biological Waste as Resource 2017 (BWR2017), Hong Kong, China, 25-28 May, 2017.
133. Tang, Y. Analytical Techniques for Environmental Research. 21 April, 2017, Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
134. Tang, Y. A “Waste-to-Resource” Strategy for Metal Stabilization in Ceramic Matrix during Thermal Treatment Processes. 12 December, 2013, Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School, Shenzhen, China.
135. Tang, Y. Beneficial Metal Stabilization Mechanisms in Using Waste Sludge for Ceramic Materials. 22 October, 2013, South University of Science and Technology of China, Shenzhen, China.
136. Tang, Y. Mechanisms of Thermally Stabilizing Copper and Zinc Waste in Ceramic Matrix. 28 June, 2012, Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School, Shenzhen, China.
137. 唐圆圆, 谭林. 复合吸附剂及其制备方法与应用, 申请号: 201910676014.8
138. 唐圆圆, 梁琨, 党苗, 邱栋. 复合陶瓷膜及其制备方法与应用, 申请号: 201910449269.0
139. 唐圆圆, 梁琨, 刘云松, 王子铱, 王涛. 双层陶瓷膜及其制备方法, 申请号: 201910052626.X
140. 唐圆圆, 王涛. 具有光 Fenton 催化性能的抗污染超滤膜制备方法, 申请号: 201811135689.3
141. 唐圆圆, 王子铱. 梁琨. 一种 PVDF 抗菌膜的制备方法, 申请号: 201811086400.3
142. 唐圆圆, 王子铱. 纳米 CuAl2O4 尖晶石制备方法, 申请号: 201811085183.6
143. 唐圆圆, 马维, 夏运雪. 一种微晶玻璃及其制备方法, 申请号: 201810862715.6
144. 唐圆圆, 王子铱. 梁琨. 以废料为原料的微滤陶瓷膜及其制备方法,申请号: 201810432718.6
145. 唐圆圆, 梁琨, 王子铱. 微滤陶瓷膜及其制备方法,申请号: 201810434162.4
146. 唐圆圆, 王子铱, 梁琨. 一种陶瓷膜及其制备方法,申请号: 201810434164.3
147. 唐圆圆, 王子铱, 任娜娜, 梁琨. 一种微滤陶瓷膜及其制备方法,申请号: 201810434165.8
148. 张作泰, 唐圆圆. 一种使用河道淤泥制备陶粒的方法. 专利号: 201610255143.6
149. 张作泰, 唐圆圆. 一种河道淤泥疏浚装置. 专利号: CN206090672U