Prof. YAN Changrong
Nanshan Distinguished Lecture on Environment中国地膜覆盖技术应用现状与挑战
Time2024-10-24 10:30-12:00
LocationRoom 804, North Tower, Collge of Engineering
Prof. WU Liwen
LectureThe Fragility of Bedform-Induced Hyporheic Exchange
Time2024-10-17 10:00-11:30
LocationRoom 804, North Tower, Collge of Engineering
Prof. LIU Jianjun
Time2024-10-12 9:30-11:00
LocationRoom 804, North Tower, School of Engineering
Prof. LIU Xiaoping
Nanshan Distinguished Lecture on Environment土地利用监测、模拟与优化:从二维到三维再到数字孪生
Time2024-09-25 16:00-17:30
LocationRoom 812, South Tower, College of Engineering
LU Guihua
SUSTech Lecture SeriesWater Governance Practice in the New Era
Time2024-04-17 15:30-17:00
LocationRoom 813, South Tower, College of Engineering
Time2023-10-12 16:30-18:00
黄俊灵 主任
Time2023-04-06 16:30-18:00
Prof. Marco Dentz
Nanshan Distinguished Lecture on EnvironmentFlow and Transport Upscaling from the Pore to the Regional Scale
Time2021-11-18 15:00-16:00
LocationTencent Meeting ID: 684 892 841
Prof. Bao Huiming
Nanshan Distinguished Lecture on EnvironmentHigh-dimensional Isotope Effects and Applications in Diverse Processes
Time2021-11-04 16:30-18:00
LocationTencent Meeting ID: 787 465 492
Dr. Zhang Yuzhong
LectureDistribution and Trend of Methane Emission in the World and China
Time2021-10-14 16:30-18:00
LocationRoom 804, North Tower, School of Engineering