刘延,南方科技大学环境科学与工程学院助理教授(副研究员、博士生导师、独立PI)。在清华大学获得学士和博士学位,并先后在美国德州理工大学、英国伦敦大学学院从事博士后研究。研究方向为环境流体力学,重点开展天然水域中的湍流结构、泥沙输移和底栖动物的相互作用关系。在Water Resources Research、Journal of Fluid Mechanics等多个领域主流期刊上发表论文10余篇。担任Physics of Fluids、Journal of Hydraulic Engineering、 International Journal of Sediment Research等多项期刊审稿人。
2020.05 – 2022.08,伦敦大学学院,土木与环境工程系,博士后研究员。
2018.01 – 2020.01,德州理工大学,土木、环境与结构工程系,博士后研究员。
2012.09-2017.07 清华大学,水利水电工程系,博士
2008.09-2012.07 清华大学,水利水电工程系,本科
1. 2014 国家留学基金委公派留学奖学金
2. 2013 张光斗奖学金
3. 2012 清华大学博士生新生奖学金
4. 2012 清华大学优秀毕业生
5. 2012 北京市优秀毕业生
1. sklhse-2020-B07; State Key Laboratory of Hydro Science and Engineer, Tsinghua University; China; “Coherent structures near biofilm coated sediment beds”; CNY100,000; 2020.10-2021.11; Principal Investigator.
2. EP/S016376/1; Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, United Kingdom; “Distributed Fibre-optic Cable Sensing for Buried Pipe Infrastructure”; GBP 371,330; 2019.11-2022-10; Principal Researcher.
3. EP/V026895/1; Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, United Kingdom; “COVID-19: Reducing the Risk of Transmission on London's transport vehicles”; GBP 535,584; 2020.07-2022-03; Co-Researcher.
1. Liu, Y.*, Stoesser, T., & Fang, H. (2022). Effect of secondary currents on the flow and turbulence in partially filled pipes. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 938, A16.
2. Liu, Y., Reible, D., & Hussain, F., (2022). Roles of tidal cycling, hyporheic exchange and bioirrigation on metal release from estuary sediments. Water Resources Research, e2021WR030790.
3. Liu, Y.*, Stoesser, T., & Fang, H., (2022). Impact of turbulence and secondary flow on the water surface in partially-filled pipes. Physics of Fluids, 34, 035123.
4. Adzic, F., Stoesser, T., Liu, Y., & Xie, Z., (2022). LES of supercritical free-surface flow in an open-channel contraction. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 60(4): 628-644.
5. Zhao, C., Fang, H., Liu, Y., Dey, S. & He, G., (2020). Impact of particle shape on saltating mode of bedload transport sheared by turbulent flow. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 146(5), p.04020034.
6. Liu, Y., Reible, D., Hussain, F. & Fang, H. (2019). Role of bioroughness, bioirrigation and turbulence on oxygen dynamics at the Sediment-Water Interface. Water Resources Research, 55(10), 8061-8075.
7. Liu, Y., Fang, H., Huang, L., & He, G. (2019). Numerical simulation of the production of three-dimensional sediment dunes. Physics of Fluids, 31(9), 096603.
8. Liu, Y., Stoesser, T., Fang, H., Papanicolaou, A., & Tsakiris, A. G. (2017). Turbulent flow over an array of boulders placed on a rough, permeable bed. Computers & Fluids, 158, 120-132.
9. Fang, H., Liu, Y.*, & Stoesser, T. (2017). Influence of boulder concentration on turbulence and sediment transport in open‐channel flow over submerged boulders. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 122(12), 2392-2410.
10. Liu, Y., Dun, H., Fang, H., &Stoesser, T. (2016). Turbulent flow over a pool-riffle sequence. In River Flow 2016 (pp. 266-271). CRC Press.