张作泰,南方科技大学环境科学与工程学院教授、博士生导师,国家杰出青年基金获得者。致力于固废高效清洁利用和碳减排领域的前沿研究,围绕固废物相构效关系、能/质耦合利用及可控转化、资源-环境交互作用及固废源碳吸附材料可控制备等关键科学问题开展了系统深入的研究,阐明了固废循环利用过程中的物相构效关系,提出了高温冶金渣能/质耦合利用方法,揭示了特征污染物多场景迁移转化机理及深度减碳机制。近5年,主持了珠江学者特聘教授、国家优秀青年科学基金、国家重点研发计划等13余项科技与人才项目;以第一/通讯作者在Nature Communications、Applied Catalysis B: Environmental、Environmental Science & Technology等国际知名期刊发表SCI论文80余篇,封面文章6篇,申请专利55项、其中授权21项,已有3项技术完成转让并建成工业生产线。在美国TMS会议等国内外重要学术会议做特邀报告19次,多次担任分会主席。担任领域顶刊J.Clean.Prod.副主编、Metall.Mater.Trans.的KeyReader、《中国科学: 技术科学》青年编委、《环境卫生工程》编委等。获中国循环经济协会技术一等奖、中国产学研合作创新与促进奖等10余项奖励。
2016:Metallurgical and Materials Transaction B 优秀审稿人
2011:Metallurgical and Materials Transaction B 优秀审稿人
2018:Editors’ Choice article,Understanding the relationship between structure and thermophysical properties of CaO-SiO2-MgO-Al2O3 molten slags,Metallurgical and Materials Transactions
2015:论文“Investigation of the heat recovery from high temperature slags”,TMS 2015Annual Meeting & Exhibition,Best Paper Award:
(1) 固废高效清洁利用研究
(2) 固废综合利用有害元素污染转化及防控研究
(3) 固废综合利用政策研究
(1) 《工业生态学》
(2) 《资源循环利用基础》
(3) 《资源循环原理与技术》
(4) 《固体废弃物处理处置与资源化》
1) Book Chapter:“Chapter 12: Energy Saving and Emission Reduction from the Steel Industry: Heat Recovery from High Temperature Slags” in “Energy Solutions to Combat Global Warming”, Spriner International Publishing Switzerland,2016, 32 pages
2) Yongqi Sun, Seshadri Seetharaman, Qianyi Liu, Zuotai Zhang*, Lili Liu1 and Xidong Wang. Integrated biomass gasification using the waste heat from hot slags: control of syngas and polluting gas releases. Energy, 2016, In Revision.
3) Ji Ru,Zuotai Zhang*, Yan Chen, Mengguang Zhu and Zhongmin Li. Preparation of novel ceramic tile with high Al2O3 content derived from coal fly ash. Construction and Building Materials, 2016, vol.114, pp.888-895.
4) Zhenzhou Yang, Yan Chen, Yongqi Sun, Lili Liu, Zuotai Zhang* and Xinlei Ge. The partitioning behavior of trace element and its distribution in the surrounding soil of a cement plant integrated utilization of hazardous wastes. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, vol.23 pp.13943-13953.
5) Yongqi Sun, Zuotai Zhang*, Lili Liu and Xidong Wang. Integration of biomass/steam gasification with heat recovery from hot slags: thermodynamic characteristics. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016, vol.41, pp.5916-5926.
6) Mengguang Zhu, Ru Ji, Zhongmin Li, Hao Wang, Lili Liu and Zuotai Zhang*. Preparation of glass ceramic foams for thermal insulation applications from coal fly ash and waste glass. Construction and Building Materials, 2016. Vol.112, pp.398-405.
7) Yongqi Sun, S Sridhar, S. Seetharaman, Hao Wang, Lili Liu, Xidong Wang and Zuotai Zhang*. A Fe-C-Ca big cycle in modern carbon-intensive industry: toward emission reduction and resource utilization. Scientific Reports, 2016,6, 22323; doi: 10.1038/srep22323
8) Zhenzhou Yang, Yingyi Zhang,Lili Liu, Xidong Wang and Zuotai Zhang*. Environmental investigation on co-combustion of sewage sludge and coal gangue: SO2, NOx and trace elements emissions. Waste Management, 2016, vol.50, pp.213-221.
9) Yongqi Sun, Sridhar Seetharaman, Lili Liu, Xidong Wang and Zuotai Zhang*. Integration of coal gasification and waste heat recovery from high temperature steel slags: an emerging strategy to emission reduction. Sci. Rep., 2015, 5: 16591. doi: 10.1038/srep16591
10) Yongqi Sun, Zuotai Zhang*, Lili Liu and Xidong Wang. Two-stage high temperature sludge gasification using the waste heat from hot blast furnace slags. Bioresources Technology, 2015, Vol.198, Pages 364–371
11) Jinfu Li, Changsheng Yue, Mei Zhang, Xidong Wang and Zuotai Zhang*. Facile and Economical Preparation of SiAlON-based composites using Coal Gangue: From Fundamental to Industrial Application. Energies, 2015, 8, 7428-7440.
12) Yan Chen, Xiangmei Zhang, Qianyi Liu, Xidong Wang, Ling Xu and Zuotai Zhang*. Facile and Economical Synthesis of porous activated semi-coke for highly efficient and fast removal of microcystin-LR. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2015, vol.299, pp.325-332.
13) Yingyi Zhang, Jinichiro Nakano, Lili Liu, Xidong Wang and Zuotai Zhang*. Trace elements partitioning behaviors of coal gangue fired CFB plant: experimental and equilibrium calculation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, Vol. 22, Issue 20, pp.15469-15478
14) Yongqi Sun, Jinichiro Nakano, Lili Liu, Xidong Wang and Zuotai Zhang*. Achieving waste to energy through sewage sludge gasification using hot slags: syngas production. Scientific. Reports, 2015, 5, 11436; doi: 10.1038/srep11436.
15) Yingyi Zhang, J. Nakano, Lili Liu, Xidong Wang and Zuotai Zhang*. Co-combustion and emission characteristics of coal gangue and low quality coal. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2015, Volume 120, Issue 3, Page 1883-1892
16) Ru Ji, Zuotai Zhang, Yang He, Lili Liu and Xidong Wang*. Synthesis, Characterization and Modeling of New Building Insulation Material Using Ceramic Polishing Waste Residue. Construction and Building Materials, 2015,85,pp.119-126.
17) Ru Ji, Yang He, Zuotai Zhang, Yang He, Lili Liu and Xidong Wang. Preparation and Modeling of Energy-saving Building Materials by Using Industrial Solid Waste. Energy and Building, 2015, vol.97, pp.6-12
18) Yongqi Sun, Zuotai Zhang*, Lili Liu and Xidong Wang. Integrated CO2/sludge gasification using waste heat from hot slags: syngas production and SO2 fixation. Bioresource Technology, 2015, 181, pp174-182.
19) Yingyi Zhang, Xinlei Ge, Lili Liu, Xidong Wang and Zuotai Zhang*. Fuel Nitrogen Conversion and Release of Nitrogen Oxides during Coal Gangue Combustion. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, Volume 22, Issue 9, pp 7139-7146.
20) Yongqi Sun, Hongwei Shen, Hao Wang, Xidong Wang and Zuotai Zhang*. Experimental investigation and modeling of cooling processes of high temperature slags. Energy, 2014, 76, pp.761-767.
1、张作泰,唐圆圆. 一种河道淤泥疏浚装置,CN201620345385.X申请日:2016.4.21
3、张作泰,杨振洲,王习东,刘丽丽,郑凯,一种利用高铝粉煤灰制备莫来石复相材料的方法,ZL.201410210218.X 申请日:2014.5.19授权日:2016.6.3
4、张作泰,胡勇,陈玉清,一种利用高铝粉煤灰制备瓷质砖的方法,中国, ZL2014 1 0045518.7 申请日:2014.2.8 授权日:2015.6.3
5、张作泰,胡勇,陈玉清,一种利用高铝粉煤灰制备陶质砖的方法,中国,ZL2014 1 0045529.5申请日:2014.2.8 授权日:2015.6.10
6、张作泰,王习东,刘丽丽,郑凯,一种利用高钙粉煤灰制备矿物棉的方法,中国, ZL2014 1 0209959.6申请日:2014.5.19 授权日:2016.4.6
7、张作泰,王习东,刘丽丽,郑凯,一种利用粉煤灰蒸压砖废品或用后砖制备矿物棉的方法,ZL2014 1 0209641.8申请日:2014.5.19 授权日:2016.4.27
8、张作泰;王习东;刘丽丽,一种利用高铝粉煤灰制备陶瓷纤维的方法,中国, ZL2014 1 0046021.7 申请日:2014.2.28 授权日:2015.12.2
9、张作泰,王习东,一种高铝粉煤灰制备陶瓷纤维的除铁除碳装置,中国, ZL2014 2 0042251.1 申请日:2014.1.23 授权日:2014.7.9
10、 张作泰,王习东,刘丽丽,一种热电偶的快速冷却装置,中国, ZL2014 2 0059719.8 申请日:2014.2.8 授权日:2014.7.9