SUSTech’s Zhan TIAN awarded 2023 Distinguished International Associates Program from Royal Academy of Engineering
Zhan TIAN, Research Professor of the School of Environmental Science and Engineering at the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), was recently awarded the 2023 Distinguished International Associates Program from the Royal Academy o
2023-04-14 -
Serious threat to biodiversity hotspots due to mountain forests being lost at accelerating rate
Previously, forest loss primarily occurred in lowlands where forests are easy to access, and mountain areas had limited forest loss due to their rugged location. However, since the turn of the 21st century, mountain forests have been increasingly exp
2023-03-30 -
Floating solar photovoltaic systems on global reservoirs hold great potential for enormous energy production and water savings
Growing global energy use and the adoption of sustainability goals to limit carbon emissions from fossil fuel burning are increasing the demand for clean energy, including solar. Floating photovoltaic (FPV) systems on reservoirs are advantageous over
2023-03-17 -
SUSTech Feng Lian's team's Nature cover article reveals the increasing trend of global coastal phytoplankton blooms
Recently, Associate professor at the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) Lian Feng’s research group published a research paper entitled "Coastal phytoplankton blooms expand and intensify in the 21st century" in Natu
2023-03-09 -
Researchers develop membrane-free electrochemical system for high-efficient and high-purity phosphate recovery
Phosphorus (P) is often regarded as the primary stimulant for eutrophication, while its vital role in industrial and environmental development is also well acknowledged. Given its future scarcity, P recycling from waste streams is suggested and pract
2023-03-02 -
Developing dynamic engineering adaptive pathway to reduce flood risk in coastal cities under deep uncertainty based on “regret” theory
Uncertainty in sea level rise and future extreme climate events presents a great planning challenge for flood defence in coastal mega cities like Shanghai. While academic literature has largely focused on uncertainty analysis, engineering solution de
2023-02-20 -
Global hydropower at important crossroads: the global unused profitable hydropower potential is 5.27 PWh per year
Hydropower is a relatively cost-effective energy source, expected to play a key role in the transition of some nations to decarbonized energy systems. However, the development of hydropower is controversial because of its environmental and societal i
2023-02-03 -
Researchers create framework to identify antibiotic-resistance genes and antibiotic-resistant bacteria in nanopore reads
Wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluent discharge could induce resistome enrichment in the receiving water environments. However, because of the general lack of a robust antibiotic-resistant bacteria (ARB) identification method, the driving mechan
2022-11-30 -
Surface wind speed reversal in China and its impact on wind power and sand-dust storm
Global wind speed has been reported to reverse after a long period of decreasing. Increased wind speed can not only bring additional wind power but also increase the risk of sand-dust storms. The quantifying of the impact is important for wind power
2022-11-24 -
SUSTech’s Junjian WANG receives CSSS Outstanding Young Scholar Award
The Soil Science Society of China (CSSS) recently announced the results of its 8th CSSS Outstanding Young Scholar Award.Associate Professor Junjian WANG from the School of Environmental Science and Engineering (ESE) at the Southern University of