Researchers reveal rapidly changing emissions drove substantial surface and tropospheric ozone increases over Southeast Asia
Tropospheric ozone is an air pollutant, a greenhouse gas, and an oxidant affecting climate and chemistry. In Southeast Asia (Figure 1), including the Peninsular Southeast Asia (PSEA) and the Maritime Continent (MC), tropospheric and surface ozone con
2022-10-26 -
SUSTech scientist contributes to global progress of MAR to ensure humanities access to good quality freshwater
On 31st August 2022, Professor Yan Zheng from the School of Environmental Science and Engineering (ESE) at the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) gave an invited speech at the Valuing Groundwater Seminar during the
2022-10-12 -
Revealing response pattern of anthropogenic volatile organic compound emissions to urbanization in Asia
As one of the most severe environmental issues apace with urbanization, air pollution poses significant threats to public health and the ecosystem in populous Asia. Emissions of air pollutants and their precursors respond differently to urbanization.
2022-10-10 -
Researchers make progress in study of groundwater in Tibetan Plateau
The Tibetan Plateau and its surroundings, also known as the Third Pole, are widely acknowledged as the Asian water tower. It holds glaciers with an area of about one hundred thousand square kilometers and lakes with an area of about fifty thousand sq
2022-10-10 -
Researchers demonstrate AI’s ability to restore wind speed datasets with 88% missing values
Wind speed data is widely used in many sciences, management, and policy fields to assess renewable energy potential, address wind hazards, investigate biological phenomena, and explore climate change/variability, among other applications. The challen
2022-10-03 -
Researchers reveal nanoplastic-induced mitochondrial response pathways and metabolic mechanisms in human cells
Plastic particles with a diameter of less than 0.1 μm (nanoplastics (NPs)) have been extensively manufactured and used as engineered nanomaterials in various products, such as numerous consumer and personal care products (e.g., microbead-containing s
2022-09-29 -
Researchers publish new results in field of global warming and Madden-Julian Oscillation-induced extreme rainfall
The sixth assessment report of the IPCC indicates low-to-high confidence in trends of extreme rainfall with regional inconsistency in the tropics, where a key phenomenon causing intra-seasonal variations in weather is the Madden–Julian Oscillation (M
2022-09-19 -
Researchers make progress in river winds and their influences on transport of forest volatiles in Amazonia
The Amazon basin hosts many of the world’s longest and widest rivers, such as the Amazon, Negro, and Tapajos rivers. Air circulations in the form of river winds are driven by thermal contrast between the forests and these large water bodies. During t
2022-08-31 -
Researchers discover that rewetting global wetlands effectively reduces major greenhouse gas emissions
Carbon and nitrogen losses from degraded wetlands and methane emissions from flooded wetlands are both important sources of greenhouse gas emissions. However, the net-exchange dependence on hydrothermal conditions and wetland integrity remains unclea
2022-08-19 -
Researchers develop explainable AI to predict dynamics of riverine nitrogen flux from unmonitored watersheds
Excessive riverine export of nitrogen caused by human activities poses huge threats to water security in coastal areas and marine ecosystems. Reducing the global nitrogen flux into oceans becomes an urgent front-burner issue in sustaining the Earth’s