Technology Innovation and Application
Technology Innovation and Application

The Engineering Innovation Center (Beijing) of SUSTech is supported by the School of Environmental Science and Engineering of SUSTech. Closely aligned with the development of the environmental protection industry in current China, the Innovation Center focuses on bridging the gap between scientific researches and industrial applications. Moreover, it creates not only societal benefits and opportunities to the faculty, but also employment for graduates and profits to enterprises. The Innovation Center is a bridge between academia and industry, and will convert the researches to cost-effective, publicly accepted and commercialized products or services. The Innovation Center will be developed as an international environmental protection innovation platform.

The mission of the Innovation Center includes: development of key environmental technologies, promotion of key environmental technologies into engineering applications and integration, and demonstration and commercialization. The Innovation Center will also participate in developing China's environmental protection policies, standards and technical guidelines, providing technical support and services to central and local authorities in the fields of environmental management, monitoring and decision-making. The Innovation Center will also provide professional training for students, professionals and company technical backbone. The Innovation Center will become an international research exchange and cooperation platform.
